mercredi 11 mars 2015

potentially more training?

I'm assessing my training goals once again and Im finding some things have definitely changed. I had to put training aside due to injury recovery and it's made me realize how much fitter I was when I was training more often.

my goals are currently: 1. Enjoyment 2. Fitness (physical) 3. Well-being (martial arts training is my only counter to the lethargy I have from depression and anxiety, the more often I train, the less exhausted I feel and the better I eat and sleep) and lastly 4. Development of my skills.

Since I'm out of physio and having given time to get back into training, here is my current schedule:

monday: Baoding Shuai Jiao (Wrestling) Probably the most fitness demanding class I have. 1. 5 hours. The grappling is superb and the fitness drills have helped me get stronger.

tuesday: day off (once a month, I train one-to-one with my Bagua and Lama instructor for anywhere between 3-5 hours) These one to ones aren't fitness intensive and are for learning forms and application.

wednesday: a hybrid class - combined parts of Krav Maga, Hung Ga, Keysi. Mostly works on striking techniques and applications with partners or focus mitt work. Not particularly strenuous. 1 hour. We do cover traditional forms from Hung Ga, but the conditioning for it isn't the rigorous old school stuff you'd find in pure hung clubs.

thursday: day off

friday: gym day Squat, deadlift, lat pulldown, bench, overhead press, cool off with swimming and then steam room. Usually takes 2 hours overall including changing time and breaks between exercises. I lift basically to keep my muscles strong, rather than say, to body build. I probably go about 70-80% on this one since it's supplementary to my MA stuff.

saturday: day off.

sunday: Capoiera great for fitness, two hours long. I find it's helping my balance, flexibility and footwork in the other classes, and it's keeping my supple too.

Im averaging 4.5 hours of martial arts a week, and while I'm noticing improovements in my fitness (not to mention massive reductions in mood instability and lathargy), I feel I could take it a step further. There's possibilities for me to add other activities into my week that are on rest days.

Saturday: Tai Chi at a local church near my hom. It's yang style and taught for relaxation purposes. Could link into martial application if I took it aside myself but it's not taught combat wise in the class. I'd be fine doing a relaxation activity.

Thursday: Goju Ryu (I know the instructor, he's big on fitness, probably the most demanding of any additions). one hour.

If I took tai chi off I'd still probably qualify that as an active rest day, while learning more internal chinese arts that could add to my bagua and relaxation.

if I took goju ryu, I'd probably get in the best physical work out but need to adjust my energy intake in my diet to keep up. shouldnt be a problem particularly. Might effect my lifting day but my lifts are just supplementary conditioning.

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