lundi 9 mars 2015

Southerland Mountain Campout, Silver Lake Wilderness 3/7/15

Did a fairly easy over-night winter camping trip to Southerland Mountain in

the Silver Lake Wilderness with DuctTape Russ and 12trysomething Rob this

weekend. I had broken out a trail the weekend before about 2/3rds of the way

to the southern summit from the end of River Road through the deep powder,

which was a lot of work, and I had gotten a late start, both of which forced me

to turn around before reaching the summit. So I decided to pitch the idea to

Russ and Rob to return this weekend to try again, and they happily accepted.

We arrived at the trailhead around 9am on Saturday, and made good time along

the Groff Creek trail to the point where my snowshoes tracks had left the gentle

grade of the old roadway, and began the bushwhack toward Southerland Mountain.

We set up camp near the base of the mountain, gathered & processed some

firewood, had some lunch, and then started uphill following my tracks from

the week before. Even though we now had tracks to follow, the snow was still

very slippery and the going was pretty slow and a bit tiresome. I don't want to

name any names, but one of us didn't make it all the way to the summit. ;)

It took about 90 minutes to reach the summit from camp (a full half hour

longer than I had said), where we took a few photos and a couple short

videos, and then quickly began the descent to check on the fallen member

of our party, whom was waiting patiently by the large rock where we had last

saw him.

Naturally, it only took us about 30 minutes to get back to camp, where we settled

in for the evening enjoying the campfire, and several courses of food!

In the morning, we cooked up a few more meals over the fire, and with full bellies

we packed up, cleaned up, and headed out.

We had a blast!

The weather was almost perfect...mostly cloudy, highs in the upper 20'sF, the

low about 13°F. The (past full) moon and stars came out for a little while at

night, and then we were treated to some flurries overnight and during the

morning while hiking out.

I posted a few photos below, and be on the lookout for one of Rob's movies,

as he was pretty busy with his camera all weekend. I can't wait to see how it

comes out.

View towards Wallace & Three Ponds Mountains from Southerland Mountain:

DuctTape Russ on Southerland Mountain:

Wide view towards Cathead & Wallace Mountains from Southerland Mountain:

Our campsite near the base of Southerland Mountain:

Russ tending the (snow-pedestal) campfire:

Group photo: Russ, Justin, Rob, and one of the several breakfast courses:

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