samedi 7 mars 2015

What is dangerous and should you take chances if you have responsibilities?

So I came home today and for about the 5th time in 12 months have taken a tumble of a horse. I am 47 and have two secondary school age kids to look after. I came back home with two black eyes and no skin on my nose and my father told me I should give up horse riding before I did myself serious injury that I have responsibilities and I am no longer young. To my annoyance my boyfriend told me the same thing on the phone. I wear a riding helmet (which I am replacing tomorrow - first time I've ever killed one outright), thick leather chaps and a body protector (though not a gas powered inflating one).

So what is dangerous and are they right? I could be mown down by a number 23 mounting the pavement every time I go shopping, should I not get on an aircraft, should I not do MA and get put on the deck every so often. Should I be more aware of responsibilities and at what age do you know it's time to give up something you love?

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