jeudi 5 janvier 2017

Is this fake news?

Ok, a while ago, I remember a few passing posts addressing a fake news story from Europe that said police wont go to some towns and neighborhoods due to high concentrations of muslims and how dangerous it was. Apparently this was proven incorrect.

The reason I ask is, on another forum I came across this news blurb from France.

This just looks suspicious to me, and I feel like it maybe fake. So, instead of jumping on the Islamophobic train on this issue, I would come here and ask about it.

Now, I thought France had laws against segregation based on sex? If this is indeed true, why haven't the French law enforcement moved in and arrested/sued all these shop owners for violation of civil rights laws?

Now I am skeptical, as it plays into the other, older stories out there talking about dangerous Muslim communities in Europe that are no go zones for anyone not Muslim, especially for females of any age.

Just something about this is tripping my nonsense alarm. Have any of my European friends here heard of this happening? Or this story in particular?

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