jeudi 5 janvier 2017

Coffee Pond, PLWA, 5 Jan, 2016

Tredhed and I had some time today to do a short trip in the Pharaoh Lake Wilderness Area, and we thought Coffee Pond would be a great destination. I had missed seeing this swampy little body of water when I was with the Adirondack Wilderness Explorers on our hike to Number 8 Hill back in April of 2016 ( Today seemed like a good time to check out this under-explored corner of the PLWA.

Tredhed and I hit the East Shore Rd. trailhead around 8:30 this morning.

We donned our spikes and quickly covered the well packed and somewhat icy trail to Spectacle Pond.

As always, the view of Pharaoh Mt. from Spectacle Pond is superb.

After taking a short break at the designated campsite, we put on our snowshoes and bushwhacked up over the ridge that separates the two bodies of water. The woods were open, but the slope was a little steep and snow conditions weren't that great.

Tredhed and I switch places breaking trail a couple of times to keep fresh and soon the marshes around Coffee Pond came into view. The swampy area surrounding Coffee Pond was rather extensive and looked like it would be difficult to traverse during warmer months.

The views of Number 8 Hill were pretty good.

The small pond was surrounded by stunted black spruce, giving a very boreal feel to the place.

Once we got to the pond, things were kind of anti-climactic. There really wasn't much there and the view of Pharaoh Mt. was obscured by some large pines.

After a few obligatory happy snaps, we re-traced our bushwhack path back to Spectacle Pond. There, we met two gentlemen who were headed up to Desolate Swamp to bask in the glory of Pharaoh Mt. After exchanging pleasantries, we changed back into spikes and made good time back to the trailhead. We made it out in time to catch a quick pint of Switchback at Flannigan's before we headed home after a great day in the big woods.

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