lundi 2 janvier 2017

Looking for some hope.

Happy New Year fellow mappers.

Unfortunately I am entering 2017 with a major injury and I am really looking for some hope. I accidentally cut my upper forearm. I was taken to the ER and they sewed me up but my thumb, index, middle, and ring finger are all completely numb. As in could put them in a fire and not realise it. I went to see an orthopedics surgeon the next day who told me that my tendons seem to not have been cut because I have mobility in my fingers (though it feels quite weak) but my median nerve may have been lacerated. He said it's possible it is just bruised (though the way he said it seemed like that probably isn't the case). Though he said he will only know once I go in for surgery. So my surgery is this weds and I am hoping for good news. The doctor said if the median nerve has indeed been lacerated he will perform a nerve graft. If this goes absolutely perfectly I am looking at minimum 6-9 month recovery time.

Anyways just curious if anyone has experienced anything similar and had stories of successful recovery? I am really nervous that my hand may never be the same as before. I also worry that even after I recover the doctor will tell me not o engage in fighting sports like boxing. I'm not sure if nerve recovery is more susceptible to impact damage or anything.

Anyways bottom line just looking for some hope. Thanks.

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