dimanche 30 avril 2017

Pharaoh Lakes Wilderness Loop 4/28-4/29

Made it up to Pharaoh Lakes Wilderness for the first time this weekend. Taking advantage of the stellar spring weather seemed way more important than the yard work that still needs to be done.

I skipped out of work a little early on Friday and headed out from the Tubmill Marsh TH (short swing TH?) around 5:30pm. The plan was to make camp at Lilypad pond and start out on a loop the next morning. Upon arriving at Lilypad LT, I found a single camper with their tent set up in the LT. Not having very much patience after a long work week, I chose to keep my thoughts to myself and high tailed it off to Rock Pond in search of another campsite. I managed to make it to an empty Rock Pond LT a good 15 minutes before sunset and quickly made dinner and set up my food hang before daylight slipped away. After watching the sky's colors fade over the pond, I settled in to my book and few sips from the flask. It was relaxing to hear distant Loon calls and an owl from a little ways off.

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I heard several crashing trees from a couple hundred yards away around 10pm. Originally fearing the sounds were coming from a neighboring campsite, the next morning I discovered beaver activity in the general area. Are beavers active around this time or could I have been hearing something else?

I rose with the sun Saturday morning and packed up over a cup of coffee. Leaving camp around 7:30 I walked with purpose to visit a series of ponds, making sure to make at least a few casts into each one. I spoke with a friendly couple at Clear Pond before making my way to Grizzle Ocean just in time to watch a threesome launch their canoe. I eventually worked my way down to Pharaoh Lake and enjoyed a long lunch at the LT on the Northern shore. By then, the wind had picked up making the days humidity a little more comfortable.

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Had I more time I would have gone up and over Pharaoh Mountain instead of Glidden Marsh. But Sunday obligations and the promise of much cooler night pushed me back towards civilization. The afternoon and early evening were spent making the return trip and visiting Crab and Horseshoe ponds and their amazing campsites. Since I was already in the neighborhood, I stopped by Sticks and Stones (one of my favorites) to help balance out the calorie deficit.

I'm looking forward to returning to the Pharaoh Lakes Wilderness to see what other gems it's hiding!

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Monument Hunting

My favorite time for an Adirondack adventure is as soon after ice-out as possible. It is likely that I'm antsy after a long winter, but in early spring, before the buds unfurl, the lay of the land is visible, there are things to be seen that in any other season could be missed. On page 369 of the 1904, annual report by the State Engineer and Surveyor of the State of New York there begins a description on the placement of iron I-beam markers that define the county boundary progressing east from the Great Corner. I have used that information to plot, the best I can, some of their locations.

I just completed a five-day paddlewhacking adventure that roughly followed the southern border of St. Lawrence County between Lows Lake and it's intersect with the East branch Oswegatchie. I was successful in finding four of these monuments. I should point out that the turn of the century surveyors had miss identified the Oswegatchie, calling it the Robinson and that there was a whole lot more than rusty iron posts to captivate my interest. I hope this link will allow some to share my experiences. I apologize to any for whom it does not.


How do you ge trid of the right hand dominance?

As i have just started doing my patterns at home, i have come to the realisation i cannot for the life of me do the four directional punching left handed, nor do TKD punching left hand lead and i struggle to do blocking with the left hand now.

I knew it was a problem to begin with but now it is annoying as i basically cant do it for the left hand. I can jab with it. Im thinking because i have done jabbing with the left and strong hits with the right its not helped that much.

I also have this problem with my right foot for some kicks if i need to twist on it, the alt is fine and so are front kicks.

It has only just annoyed me yesterday when i tried to do the white belt patterns and could do them with a left handed lead nor could i do power striking with my left hand leading.

(i am right handed, also i am planning on going back soonish to a dojo for TKD) Not too sure if asked before.

also a note i will splice in when i get back, i think i have made it habbit that i always strike with my right hand so i unintentionally always retract my left hand when wanting to punch with it.

AGC Glass Germany Protects Its Critical Infrastructure with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity

Kaspersky Lab is announcing today that its specialized solution for industrial environments now protects the infrastructure of AGC Glass Germany GmbH, the leading provider of automotive glass for BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Opel and other key manufacturers. Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity ensures the company’s protection from various cyber threats - from widespread attacks to targeted attacks on industrial equipment - and is tailored to meet the unique demands of operational technology.
When it comes to highly automated, large-batch manufacturing like at AGC Glass Germany, process stability is absolutely critical. A delay in production, or worse, a complete breakdown of production lines, can not only incur cancellation fees, but in many cases expensive contractual penalty charges for the company. To address this, AGC has utilized the Industry 4.0 platform Tomorrow Connect from Kaspersky Lab’s partner Tomorrow Labs for data collection, processing and visualization, as well as Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for its security operations, which has been successfully deployed on each of the ten production lines. Kaspersky Lab’s solution offers award-winning protection from cyber threats and provides unique features for industrial environments, such as integrity checking for programmable logic controllers, or anomaly detection inside industrial processes. These features all aim to allow AGC Glass Germany to achieve its goal of uninterrupted operations.
Jan Houben, Plant Manager at AGC Glass Germany GmbH, comments: “When selecting our security provider, we needed to meet a long list of requirements, the first being the ability to deploy a solution whilst our operations were still running. Compatibility with both our control systems and the Tomorrow Connect monitoring solution was also necessary. Kaspersky Lab offered a much desired level of customer support and willingness to adapt its solution to our unique infrastructure. This, plus the chance to gain the highest level of protection, is why we have decided to embrace Kaspersky Lab’s security offer”.
Kaspersky Lab’s ability to integrate with existing industrial hardware and production management systems adds to the desirability of the provider’s acclaimed cybersecurity intelligence. Kaspersky Lab’s solution combines a range of advanced security technologies such as malware protection, whitelisting and vulnerability management with device access control, integrity checks and semantic monitoring of process controls.
Andrey Suvorov, Kaspersky Lab’s Head of Critical Infrastructure Protection, comments: “We are happy to deliver our latest solution for industrial cybersecurity to AGC Glass Germany, a leading European manufacturer that needs top-notch protection from cyber threats and best-in-class reliability. The industrial environment places strict demands on cybersecurity, and AGC Glass Germany top management took a lead in the initial discussion and supported implementation process. Together with Tomorrow Labs we have been able to meet the levels of integration and data visibility that are desired by the customer”.
More details about Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity are available on Kaspersky Lab’s website.

Kaspersky Motorsport within sight of the podium

Italy’s historic Monza circuit today hosted the second round of the Blancpain GT Series, the first Endurance race of the championship and therefore the first race of the season for the Kaspersky Motorsport team.

At the end of three hours of exciting racing, Giancarlo Fisichella steered the green, white and red Kaspersky Motorsport Ferrari 488 GT3 passed the chequered flag to claim fourth place and bring home a useful points haul in the Endurance championship.

A major collision shortly after the start meant the race had to be stopped for about 15 minutes. Once the race got underway for a second time, our experienced crew concentrated on banging in consistent lap times, taking advice from the pit wall and choosing the optimum time to make the driver switches. There were no mistakes from a driver line-up of this calibre and in the end, Giancarlo Fisichella, who drove the final stint, came very close to revisiting the Monza podium he had seen in his Formula 1 days.

Giancarlo Fisichella: “Today has been challenging. We had a few issues, but the good thing is that they were small ones. As you saw today, drivers may take real risks on the track, but the virtual world of telemetry looks set to be a key factor in the sport for some time to come and we have collected important long-run data today, which all of us will benefit from. However, there is still work to do to get the car optimised and we will be working hard analysing the data to allow us to make a step forward. Now we can start to prepare for Silverstone, pleased with the way the opening weekend has gone.”

James Calado: “A positive start to the season here at Monza. We have shown very good team spirit, which is very important, one team all working well together. I really enjoyed it especially as the car is competitive, which makes things easier. The pressure is high but I enjoyed every single lap. I’d like to thank the team for the whole weekend and the Kaspersky Lab, we can all be very happy!”

Marco Cioci: “The start of a new season is always an exciting time. It wasn’t the perfect start today but it ended well. Getting into P4 was difficult but in the end it all came together and I’m definitely satisfied with our result.

It was amazing to get our first points together as a car crew. We did a great job individually and as team! I think this will become a very interesting fight throughout the whole year. We seem to have strong performance and the car feels nicely balanced, however, we used all our great experience and helped by plenty of good information from the pits, from our race engineer, working with some data supplied by Kaspersky Labs as to how to manage the car as well as possible, we were able to move up the order.”

From fourth, a podium doesn’t seem too far away. Can the Kaspersky Motorsport trio get there at the next round? Be sure to follow events at Silverstone, in the UK, where the next race takes place over the weekend of 13th – 14th May.

Tests Proven: Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity Fully Compatible With Schneider Electric Software

Software from Kaspersky Lab and Schneider Electric has been through a series of rigorous compatibility tests to help protect industrial environments worldwide from the increasing danger of cyberattacks. Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity has been found fully compatible with Schneider Electric SCADA and process control systems software, and can now be used in different industrial facilities running Schneider Electric software, with strict requirements for cybersecurity.
Highly automated manufacturing processes at industrial facilities are becoming increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks – particularly because 92% of industrial control system (ICS) devices use open and insecure Internet connection protocols . But at the same time, stability is a highly crucial factor for ICS organizations. Software in these environments should therefore be able to run smoothly without causing any interruptions to industrial processes. These are the challenges faced by modern day industrial environments.

To address these challenges, and to help protect industrial environments from cyberattacks, Kaspersky Lab and Schneider Electric have conducted a series of tests designed to check the compatibility and performance of Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity with the process control systems of several Schneider Electric platforms. Test rigs included different scenarios that industrial facilities operators use on a daily basis.

Working on an engineering workstation running Schneider Electric SCADA software, Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity was tested under several scenarios of attacks. These included an ‘adversary’ trying to encrypt files, obtain application launch control, device control, execute malware and more.

After several stages of testing, the KICS software had no impact on Schneider Electric process controls and was working smoothly in close-to-real environments without affecting HMI software and PLCs’ hardware performance. Crucially, the KICS software was also protecting the trial industrial environments from malicious actions. The tests demonstrated KICS’s compatibility with, and ability to protect, Schneider Electric Citect SCADA, ClearSCADA, Unity Pro engineering software, Software and Technical Complex EMCS-PACiS and showed it is appropriate for onsite deployment in industrial environments.

“Ensuring the protection of industrial environments has proved to be extremely difficult, both technically and organizationally, given that management software performance cannot be slowed or negatively affected,” said Andrey Suvorov, Head of Critical Infrastructure Protection, Kaspersky Lab. “The results of our compatibility tests with Schneider Electric show that now it’s possible to gain the highest level of protection without sacrificing industrial management software performance.”
More details about Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity are available on Kaspersky Lab’s website.

Destined for deletion: APTs harness wipers and fileless malware in targeted attacks

The first three months of 2017 saw a sharp rise in the sophistication of nation-state backed cyber-attacks, with threat actors turning their attention to wipers, as well as financial crime. These and other trends covered in Kaspersky Lab’s first quarterly summary of its subscriber-only threat intelligence reports.

The new quarterly APT Trends reports will be freely available and will highlight significant developments in targeted attacks as well as emerging trends that demand immediate attention from business and other organizations. The content of the Q1 report is drawn from Kaspersky Lab experts’ observations of APT actors’ activity during the quarter.
Highlights in Q1, 2017 include:

• Wipers are being harnessed by targeted threat actors, both for cybersabotage and for deleting tracks after cyberespionage operations. An evolved generation of Wipers was used in the new wave of Shamoon attacks. The subsequent investigation led to the discovery of StoneDrill and its code similarities to the NewsBeef (Charming Kitten) group. A StoneDrill victim was found in Europe.
• Targeted attackers diversify into money theft. The long term tracking of the Lazarus group has identified a sub-group that Kaspersky Lab has called BlueNoroff, actively attacking financial institutions in different regions, including a high profile attack in Poland. BlueNoroff is believed to be behind the infamous Bangladesh Bank heists.
• Fileless malware is being used in attacks by both targeted threat actors and cybercriminals in general – helping to avoid detection and make forensic investigations harder. Kaspersky Lab’s experts have found examples in the lateral movement tools used in the Shamoon attacks, in attacks against Eastern European banks, and in the hands of a number of other APT actors.
“The targeted threat landscape is evolving constantly, and attackers are increasingly well-prepared, looking for and leveraging new gaps and opportunities. This is why threat intelligence is so important: it arms organizations with understanding and reveals the actions they need to take. For example, the threat landscape in Q1 highlights the need for memory forensics and incident response to combat fileless malware attacks, and security that can detect anomalies across the network’s ongoing activity,” said Juan Andres Guerrero-Saade, Senior Security Researcher, Global Research and Analysis Team, Kaspersky Lab.
Kaspersky Lab’s Global Research and Analysis team currently tracks more than a hundred threat actors and sophisticated malicious operations targeting commercial and government organizations in over 80 countries. During the first quarter of 2017, the company’s expertise created 33 private reports for subscribers of its Intelligence Services, with Indicators of Compromise (IOC) data and YARA rules to assist in forensics and malware-hunting.
For more information please contact: intelreports@kaspersky.com

People Don’t Realize Their Love For Their Data – Until It’s Too Late, Kaspersky Lab Study Reveals

The old adage ‘you don’t know what you’ve got until its gone’ seems more relevant than ever for the digital age, with new research by Kaspersky Lab showing that while people claim that they understand the value of their data, in reality they don’t appreciate its importance until it is lost. People even break out in a cold sweat when they think they have lost data that they previously deemed ‘trivial’. These findings, which are part of Kaspersky Lab’s ‘My Precious Data’ study, reveal how distressing it is to lose data – even when that data hasn’t necessarily been deemed as ‘important’ or particularly valuable by its owner.
During the study people agreed that their most personally important data (‘private and sensitive photos and videos of myself’) was also the most distressing type of data to lose. Yet, data considered less important by people also turned out to be surprisingly traumatic to lose. For example, the prospect of losing contact details is considered highly distressing for many, putting it in the top three most distressing types of data to lose, despite the fact that contact details generally rank much lower in terms of data ‘importance’.
The study thus revealed contradictions in the importance people place on their data, and the reality of the distress they experience when they lose data that they didn’t, at first, deem that important to them.
As part of the study, Kaspersky Lab worked with psychologists at the University of Wuerzburg to measure people’s physical reactions to data loss in a series of three experiments. While the psychologists expected to see much stronger reactions to the loss of important data, they were surprised to find that participants showed signs of distress when they lost trivial data too.
During testing, psychologists measured electrodermal activity (changes in the skin’s sweat glands), while users were most likely to break a sweat when they believed they had lost important data, sweat levels weren’t that far behind when trivial data was considered lost by participants.
The same pattern was found during the two other experiments. For example, people’s nose tip temperatures dropped when the loss of important data was simulated. This physical indicator of stress showed the respondents literally going cold with fear. However, nose tip temperature drops were also measured when respondents believed they had lost trivial data and the difference wasn’t as extreme as the psychologists expected. Likewise, when systematic facial observations were measured, the experiment detected sad expressions when the loss of both important and trivial data was simulated.
Although the experiments showed people getting into a cold sweat, and looking distressed, at the thought of losing their data, the difference in electrodermal activity, nose tip temperatures and expressions of sadness were surprisingly small when comparing the loss of important and trivial data. This demonstrates that even trivial data is physically distressing to lose, with respondents only realizing how important this data was to them, when they believed they had lost it.
Dr. Astrid Carolus, Media Psychologist at the University of Wuerzburg commented: “Our experiment shows that people – at least up to now – have rarely assumed their data to be valuable. It will be one of our future challenges to help people understand what companies already know: data is valuable. Therefore, it is important to point out what data stands for, and what it means to people personally. To appreciate their data, people need to understand, or even feel, for example, that photos are not merely pictures and contacts are not merely addresses. These data categories are rather people’s most valuable life memories and their representation of social connectedness and affiliation. The value of data needs to be communicated. Only then may people realize just how precious their data really is”.
Andrei Mochola, Head of Consumer Business at Kaspersky Lab commented: “The research reveals that the issue of data loss causes emotional and physical reactions in people. However, the reality appears to be that people don’t really know what type of data is more valuable to them until it’s actually lost, with people reacting physically even when they believe they have lost trivial data. Perhaps this goes some way to explaining why people aren’t giving the data they store on their smartphones, tablets and computers the affection and protection it deserves, despite the emotional attachment they say they have to it. They are yet to truly understand the value of their data, and take appropriate measures to protect it.”
For more information about the experiment and study, please see the report: “Risking data heartache: it hurts to lose the data you love”.

300,000 obeying devices: Hajime is conquering the Internet of Things world

Kaspersky Lab has published the results of its investigation into the activity of Hajime – a mysterious evolving Internet of Things (IoT) malware that builds a huge peer-to-peer botnet. The botnet has recently been propagating extensively, infecting multiple devices worldwide. To date, the network includes almost 300,000 malware-compromised devices, ready to work together, to perform the malware author’s instructions without their victims’ knowledge. Still, Hajime’s real purpose remains unknown.
Hajime, meaning ‘beginning’ in Japanese, showed its first signs of activity in October 2016. Since then, it has been evolving, developing new propagation techniques. The malware is building a huge peer-to-peer botnet – a decentralized group of compromised machines discreetly performing spam or DDoS attacks.
However, there is no attacking code or capability in Hajime – only a propagation module. Hajime, an advanced and stealthy family, uses different techniques – mainly brute-force attacks on device passwords – to infect devices, and then takes a number of steps to conceal itself from the compromised victim. Thus, the device becomes part of the botnet.
Hajime does not exclusively attack a specific type of device, but rather any device on the Internet. Nevertheless, malware authors are focusing their activities on some devices. Most of the targets have turned out to be Digital Video Recorders, followed by web-cameras and routers.
According to Kaspersky Lab researchers however, Hajime avoids several networks, including those of General Electric, Hewlett-Packard, the US Postal Service, the United States Department of Defense, and a number of private networks.
Infections had primarily come from Vietnam (over 20%), Taiwan (almost 13%) and Brazil (around 9%) at the time of research.

Distribution of Hajime infectors by country
Most of the compromised devices are located in Iran, Vietnam and Brazil.

Distribution of infected devices by country
Overall, throughout the research period, Kaspersky Lab revealed at least 297,499 unique devices sharing the Hajime configuration.
“The most intriguing thing about Hajime is its purpose. While the botnet is getting bigger and bigger, its objective remains unknown. We have not seen its traces in any type of attack or additional malicious activity. Nevertheless, we advise owners of IoT devices to change the password of their devices to one that’s difficult to brute force, and to update their firmware if possible,” said Konstantin Zykov, Senior Security Researcher, Kaspersky Lab.

Kaspersky Lab Ramps Up Ransomware Protection for Small Businesses

Kaspersky Lab has released a new version of its Kaspersky Small Office Security software to help Small Medium Businesses (SMBs) stay on top of the ever growing number of cyberthreats they face today. With enhanced anti-ransomware functionality, improved safeguarding of online financial transactions and convenient security status monitoring, Kaspersky Small Office Security can help SMBs flourish by keeping the fraudsters at bay.
According to Ms. Sylvia Ng, General Manager – SEA of Kaspersky Lab, the introduction of the new version of Kaspersky Small Office Security software is set to further protect SMBs in Malaysia.
“SMBs are the main pillar of the nation’s economic growth. SMB businesses made up 36.3 per cent of the Malaysian economy in 2015 while accounting for 65.5 percent of total employment in 2015, making SMBs the biggest employer in Malaysia[1].
“Given the economic importance of this sector, it needs to be protected with products that are developed specifically for a 5 to 50 seat environment. However, the majority of SMBs in Malaysia do not see security and protection of their IT infrastructure as necessary because they view themselves as too small and insignificant to draw cybercriminals’ interest,” said Ms. Ng.
“ to get? . This is where Kaspersky Small Security Office can help in fortifying the cyberperimeter with a solution tailored for small businesses that require simple to use but effective protection tools,”explained Ms. Ng.

In line with recent research[2] from Kaspersky Lab, finding that 42% of SMBs are concerned about the threat of crypto malware, the latest version of Kaspersky Small Office Security offers enriched protection against the growing threat of “cryptors”. Anti-ransomware capabilities in System Watcher component not only block malicious encryption attempts, but trigger an automatic backup and restore for ultimate peace of mind.
With over half[3] of all SMBs in the US now relying on mobile banking to access and manage their accounts, the popularity of online transactions has not gone unnoticed by the criminal community. To counteract this, the enhanced Safe Money feature within Kaspersky Small Office Security provides improved safeguarding of financial transactions from fraudsters, by protecting against the taking of screen grabs or use of the clipboard functionality, which cybercriminals typically rely on to steal precious business data and financial assets.
As well as these important improvements, the latest version of Kaspersky Small Office Security also provides small businesses with an easy way to monitor their security status. Through a dedicated, cloud-based monitoring console, businesses have a single view of the protection status of all devices on their network – from PCs and laptops, through to file servers and mobile devices. The online portal means this information can be accessed from anywhere, at any time, and protection settings activated or changed as required, to help businesses stay totally protected.
“With the threat and potential damage of crypto malware a very real proposition for small businesses, the latest enhancements to our small office solution means that SMBs can keep up and ensure ‘business as usual’ amidst an ever-changing threat landscape. The reliance on mobile and online transactions between suppliers and customers has also made the safeguarding of financial interactions extremely important and we have made improvements to help SMBs focus on growing their business and remaining competitive rather than worrying about who’s watching,” said Vladimir Zapolyansky, Head of SMB Marketing at Kaspersky Lab.
Designed specifically for businesses with 5-50 computers, Kaspersky Small Office Security provides the world’s most tested, most awarded security to PCs, file servers, laptops and mobile devices, protecting SMBs from online attacks, financial fraud, ransomware and data loss.
“Kaspersky Small Office Security offers out of the box simplicity combined with extended functionality and control.

samedi 29 avril 2017

Martial Art Training for Beginners

Hey guyz. We have started a new martial art training video series. We always try to provide a different method of training. So that you can enjoy the action while getting the basic training through our videos. :):):)

Watch and enjoy:

Please give your feedback below...

4/29/17 Thunderbolt, Grizzle Ocean mtns (PLW)

From Putnam Pond campground, did a loop over Thunderbolt and Grizzle Ocean mountains with a side trip to Grizzle Ocean and to check out a waterfall on the outlet of Berrymill pond. Nice if not similar views from ledges and open rock along each mountain. Trails are not too muddy for Spring in the Adirondacks standards.


Returning Karateka

Hi Folks! Haven't checked this site for a long time!

I'm Craige, Karateka from the West Midlands.

I've been in Okinawan Karate for almost 17 years now. I've been running my own small Dojo for 2 years now and really enjoying it.

How's everyone been?

2 Day Strength and Conditioning plan for BJJ and Wrestling

Hi guys looking for some feedback on my plan, I am a 24 year old male, weight 70kg. The goal of this programme is general physical prep for training and competing in Wrestling and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu as well as building a strength base that will allow me to move on to more specific power and speed training for competition.Working up to Dan Johns strength standards of a 1xBW Bench, 1.5XBW Front Squat and 2xBW Deadlift as a marker for when a decent strength level for a combat sport athlete has been reached.

I have replaced the big 3 lifts with as many joint friendly alternatives as possible and will use mostly bodyweight exercises for assistance to make my time in the weight room the least taxing on my sport specific training as possible. I have also bagged overhead pressing on the recommendation of coaches like Defranco and Joel Jamieson.

Day 1

Warm Up : 5 Minutes on Treadmill/Agile 8

Explosive: Medicine Ball Overhead Slam 30 contacts

Main Lifts : Front Squat 5/3/1
Bench Press 5/3/1
(4 way Neck resistance band isometrics in between sets)

Assistance : Chin Ups 3x8 - 12 (will use different grips for each set mainly pull up, neutral and towl/thick bar for some grip work)
Ab Wheel Rollouts 3x8-12
Sliding Leg Curl > Body Curl progression 3x8 - 12

Conditioning: Alactic sprints Power focous 8 weeks out from competition, Capacity focus from 4 weeks out.

Day 2

Warm Up: Treadmill/Agile 8

Explosive : Lateral Medicine Ball Wall Throws 30 Contacts
Main Lifts : Hex Bar Deadlift 5/3/1
Defranco Shoulder Shocker
(4 way Neck resistance band isometrics in between sets)

Assistance: Dips 3x8-12
Seated Cable Row 3x8-12(will programme in and out grip/grip trainers variation for extra grip work)
Single Leg Split Squat 3x8-12

Conditioning: Alactic Sprints

Any replies are appreciated.

vendredi 28 avril 2017

Essex Chain of Lakes Access

Hey all; I'm hoping someone can give me some information. I've been to the Essex Chain Lakes from the N on Goodnow Flow Rd, but it's been a few years. We are looking to drive to around Donnelly Brook. Could anyone tell me if:

1.) There are any gates between there and Goodnow Flow Rd.
2.) Is the road currently passable (snow/ice concerns), or are things good to go at this point? We'd like recent information, if possible :)

Thanks in advance :)

Upper Fish Pond ledges, WLWF, 28 Apr, 2017

Today was my first "Lunch on a Ledge" themed hike this season. My bushwhacking itch brought me back to the Bartman in the Wilcox Lake Wild Forest for the second time this spring. When I arrived, I was the only one at the snow fringed Bartman Rd. parking area.

Since it was mud season and I wasn't sure what condition the rest of the road was in. I decided to walk the 3/4 mile to the trailhead. The road turned out to be fine and I could have driven, but it was a nice day and the birds were singing, so I didn't mind.

In no time, I was at the trailhead and turned off the road and dove into the woods.

While signing into the register, I noticed our own "Tabe" was the last one to log in; back in November! This place doesn't get visited that often and it's too bad, there's a lot to see here.

After performing my civic duty, I crossed a brand new snowmobile bridge and encountered six huge logs on the side of the trail. They were massive and wreaked of creosote.

I wasn't sure what they were for and how did they get here? Maybe to replace the snowmobile bridge that was washed out the last time we were here back in the fall of 2013?

I soon left the trail and began my bushwhack through some very nice woods.

The spring flowers were out in force and I saw my first trout lily of the season. :clap:

After a short bushwhack, I reached the ledges and a beautiful view of Upper Fish Pond appeared through the spruces.

Looking around, I enjoyed the distant views of Kettle and Harrington Mt to the south and west. The western slopes of Mount Blue reached down towards Upper Fish Pond, the leaves just starting to turn that most beautiful of spring greens.

The distant views were very a treasure on this summer-like day, but I soon began to notice some things a little closer to home. These gray birch catkins caught my eye and I thought they were as impressive as the view of Harrington Mt. in the background.

After consuming my meager rations and enjoying a close fly-by of a broad winged hawk, it was time to head down towards the pond. I cut the Bartman Trail just before the major inlet and confirmed my suspicion that the bridge was still out.

A few more minutes brought me to the designated campsite. A few large trees fell right across the tent area, so there's a little work in store for the next campers. The good news is, they'll have plenty of firewood.

I stepped out onto the marshy shore to get a glimpse of the ledges I had just come from. Kind of neat.

After picking up some nasty whiskey bottles and some assorted other trash, I headed back up the Bartman Trail to the parking area. The 2 miles went kind of slowly as the leafless open woods had no shade and the ~400' uphill was mocking me.

While the walk back was slower than normal, it forced me to pay more attention to my surroundings where I noticed some more wildflowers, impressive white rocks and of course, those singing warblers. Three hours and five miles later, I was back at the truck and time to take stock of another successful trip down the Bartman Trail.

Everybody, if you can, do the Bartman! :dance:

Title fight loss. You win or you learn!

Here's footage from my title fight last weekend for the WKA English Super Middleweight K1 Rules Kickboxing Title. Unfortunately I lost this one but as they say you either win or you learn.


NYC to Northville in May?

Hi all,

I'm planning to thru-hike the full NPT from north to south in mid-May, but I've been having trouble finding how to actually get to Northville without a car. I'm coming from NYC and so far all I can find is Train->Bus->Taxi or Bus->Bus->Taxi. Are there any Busses direct to Northville I'm missing, or can anyone recommend a Taxi company for the last leg?

Also, given this year's winter, what is the likelihood I'll need snowshoes? I'm planning to be pretty wet/cold, and I'm bringing microspikes if stuff is icy/muddy, think that will suffice? Also, any water crossings I should know about in advance that might get hairy?

Any input is appreciated!

How can I deal with this?

So, 2 days ago I knocked my brother out and fractured his jaw. I punched him with everything I had with no regard for anything, I was at that moment, not accountable for.

You see he beat the crap out of my sister-in-law, his wife. I was at home relaxing and playing games (I still live with my parents) when suddenly I was called downstairs where I would see the swollen, beat up face of my sister. I've known her for 10 years and she's the biggest sweetheart I've ever met, so at this point I consider her my sister. I love her, she's awesome.

She and my brother got married a few years back and they have a 1 year old super cute baby together.

Now my brother is a very troubled individual. He is paranoid, narcissistic and a control freak. I've always been worried about him, because he's insane. His rage bursts like a volcano and his screams are so loud that you'd think the windows would burst. Aside from his insanity, he can be very fun to be around and likes to take care of the people around him. He especially likes cooking for the whole family. His pizzas and hamburgers are world-class, no joke. And he bakes a mean cheese-cake.

So onto what happened 2 days ago.

It was his birthday. We went out to eat at a nice Italian restaurant to celebrate his 32nd birthday. From the second we met up at the restaurant, I knew he was in a bad mood. Apparently something work-related was bothering him, so we tread carefully around him and tried to keep a positive vibe going on. But it was pointless, because everything seemed to irritate him. Eventually he zero'd in on the fact that his wife had spaghetti for her main course and not a fillet-steak. He could not drop this inane issue and eventually we finished our dinner and went home.

I figured he was gonna rage about this stupid stuff again, but didn't expect anything more than that. I didn't because prior to this incident, he had never been violent with anyone. He was the type to lose his temper, but he had never been violent up to that point. However, I was in for a surprise that night. My worst fears and predictions all came true in 1 single moment.

As I understand it, after we separated he, with his wife and baby started driving somewhere and his wife was not allowed to know where they were going. From one moment to the next, he started backhanding her with a closed fist while he was driving and continued to do so once or twice every 10 minutes. At one point he stopped the car and she tried to escape, but he tackled her to the ground and dragged her back by her hair. At some point he stopped, drove home and allowed her to leave the house. I suppose he came back to his senses by this point and was perhaps in shock from his own actions.

She came to my parents house where I still live. I was playing video games and listening to Enya. I am the polar opposite of my brother, but there is one thing that infuriates me and that's injustice. When I saw my sister's battered face and traumatized look I sat her down, wrapped a block of ice in a towel and gave her glass of water. I listened to what happened and tried to comfort her as best I could. In the meanwhile my father had already left on a war path straight to my brother's house.

I gave it a thought while looking outside towards the sky. A strange feeling of rage built up, a calm rage is how I would describe it. I went upstairs and got myself dressed again, I told my mother and my sister that I was going to see if everything was alright with my father and brother, but I lied.

I went to my brother's house to beat the **** out of him. After all those years of verbal abuse and having to deal with his inane rage, he had finally become violent. I had come very close to beating him up many times before, but I never did. I always restrained myself and searched for rational solutions instead, but not tonight. "Tonight he dies" I thought.

I arrive at my brother's house and I ring the doorbell, my father opens the door and the situation seems completely calm. I see my brother sitting on the armrest of his couch with my little niece in his arms. I already understood, but my father explained to me that my brother was using her as a shield so he wouldn't do anything to him. Without skipping a beat I walk right up to him, grab his throat (larynx part) and squeezed as hard as I could, so he would stop using his child as a human shield. I finally wrestle her off of him, to which my father took her to safety while I proceeded with my assault.

I'm throwing hay-makers left and right, but my brother makes for the ground to avoid them. While he is on his knees, I repeatedly kick his legs after which he stood up and tried to get away. I throw 2 round house kicks to his ribs and finally connect with a right hook so violent and full of rage that he gets launched head first against a cupboard and crumples to the ground. Some pent up rage still remained and I soccer kick his legs twice and yell some stuff at him I don't fully remember. I calm down a few seconds later and immediately I'm worried that I killed him, but thankfully it didn't get any worse than it already was.

My dad stayed with him for the night, he threw up a few times, but refused to go to a hospital even after my pleading. He told me to go home and that I did enough already.

Fast forward to the present (2 days later) and he finally agreed to go to the hospital, because the pain was getting too bad to deal with. The doctor said he has some fractures in his jaw and he must wait to hear if he needs surgery or not. I'll update this later.

I have 2 problems now:

1. I love my brother, a lot. He was like my best friend and we did everything together. Watch football, play games, we help each other (mostly me helping him, but still) and we talk a lot about various things. I try to be source of good advice for him and I help him deal with many of his issues. But now, the memory of me punching him like that is screwing with me. I feel sad, angry, guilty and depressed and I go from one emotion to the other.

2. After years of begging him to go to therapy, so he could become a happier person he has not done so. He said many times that he would, but never did. This time was no different and now he is adamant that he can solve his issues on his own. I have no faith in that and judging from what he did to his wife (read again if necessary), I now suspect that in the worst case scenario, where he does not receive therapy and regresses even further, he might end up murdering his wife and child in a fit of blind rage.

Now I must say that what I did was in no way the right thing. In that respect I'm hardly any better than my brother.

I wrote all of this to have some outlet about all of this. It helped me organize my thoughts I suppose.

If there's something you'd like to say to me, do so without restraint. I'm usually the logical and rational type, so I won't take it personal. :o

Up/Down Map question

If you live at a lower elevation than a friend but she lives at a lower latitude, do you exclaim, "Hang on sweetheart, I'll be down to see you!" Or, "Hang on sweetheart, I'll be up to see you"?

Most basic knowledge of Jeet Kune Do

The idea of being able to instantly..put an object of a part of your body..into any position that

harmonicly waves with everything..or at least at minimal the holism of your body..or a particular

a projection is only able to be followed if it is in true alignment with the way itself..so the tao te ching says this about this..


When they lose their sense of awe,
people turn to religion.
When they no longer trust themselves,
they begin to depend upon authority.

Therefore the Master steps back
so that people won't be confused.
He teaches without a teaching,
so that people will have nothing to learn.

this means that everything is either conducive to the way or not..such is the thing itself..being described as flow of moment..so to show nothing..means the completion of the former thing...and the extinction of the latter thing as a means of nothing or otherwise projection..from the slack of the middle..or mean..thus is justly doubt, and dealt a spiritual blow in deed..because that would be the spirit of the thing..or the totality of spirituality in general..which would be to go with the way it self..which is like an attic or sewer...which is a representation of something we need..like our digesting organs..or otherwise the futile search for the thing itself...idea in exaction is something from the attrition of the self or the suffering of the threshold..that lies between and beneath him and his opponent...which means we must know holism..in our very thinking processes..and not just in a gi sitting with a certain type of attack stance for example..

This is a true call to make everything one with the whole itself...and therefore we find fluid motion!!

Another attempted fake news attack.


A german solider is caught registering as a refugee and getting a gun.

Mad times ahead!

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Las colinas de Woods, adidas nmd runner precio primero creadas principalmente porque las zapatillas de tenis, se hicieron favoritas entre los competidores del fútbol durante Usted. T. Son muy bien reconocido por lo tanto a su estructura y mostrar. Por lo tanto, usted consigue el asimiento de las botas o de los zapatos del no disfraz el hecho de que abarca cualquier sweetie, centro del cariño, campus, tomando paseos, D. Un bueno. Entrenadores de perros y muchas otras ediciones. Necesitan un diverso tipo de componente a las botas o los zapatos para las muchachas en el proceso tiene zapatos del entrenamiento, junto con los amaestradores del perro por ejemplo. Por encima y más allá casi todo el paquete, está construido de. Excepcional copia botas o zapatos que se creará de vez en cuando y tienden a estar dentro de las cosas más raras para Adidas. Por lo tanto, usted consigue el asimiento del modelo de la línea de producción que puede ser absolutamente duro de encontrar junto con hecho a mano.

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Principalement adidas hamburg noir reconnu pour faire des chaussures de tennis, Adidas avait besoin de l'industrie du marché par simple tornade après avoir présenté vos étoiles Adidas. Anciennement présentée dans les années 1970 comme une chaussure de base de hockey primordiale, l'idée a permis de consommer des fonctionnalités à votre montant total. D'autre part, alors que Adidas a produit l'idée derrière un certain temps arrière, précisément ce que personne n'a attendu a fini par être précisément avec quelle rapidité ils resteront présentés le style d'entreprise ainsi que d'obtenir le poste dans les «chaussures». Auparavant, pour les joueurs expérimentés, vos étoiles Adidas ont fini sur votre route le matin dernier avec les joueurs de la NBA, et actuellement, ils portent souvent l'embellissement de vos orteils dans les personnes qui, à la manière du secteur, sont à l'origine de leur relation la plus simple En utilisant l'athlétisme.

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Kaspersky Lab joins INTERPOL-led cybercrime operation across ASEAN

Kaspersky Lab today announced its participation in a groundbreaking INTERPOL-led cybercrime operation involving public and private sectors across the ASEAN region. Nearly 9,000 botnet command and control (C2) servers and hundreds of compromised websites, including government portals were identified from the activity.

The operation was carried out from the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovation (IGCI) in Singapore, the research and development facility of the world’s largest police organization.

Cybercrime investigators from Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam gathered together at the IGCI to exchange information on specific cybercrime situations in their respective countries. An additional cyber intelligence report was contributed by China.

Experts from Kaspersky Lab cooperated with the INTERPOL to share fresh cyberthreat discoveries and to formulate recommended actions along with six other private companies, namely Cyber Defense Institute, Booz Allen Hamilton, British Telecom, Fortinet, Palo Alto Networks, and Trend Micro.

Being the only vendor able to detect the infection at the time, Kaspersky Lab provided the INTERPOL team with an exclusive report on a WordPress plugin vulnerability that has affected thousands of websites in the region, including those belonging to government agencies, universities, NGOs, and private businesses.

The vulnerability allowed perpetrators to inject malicious codes to over 5,000 legitimate webpages around the globe and redirect the users to advertising pages of counterfeit goods. The vulnerability also allowed other types of malicious activity such as potentially unwanted programs (PUP) downloads, password brute-forcing, and proxy among others.

Kaspersky Lab has also furnished the IGCI with an extensive list of 8,800 botnet C2 servers found to be active in ASEAN countries, as retrieved from the Kaspersky Security Network and Botnet C&C Threat Feed. Formed from the words “robot” and “network”, a botnet is a zombie network of thousands or millions of Internet-connected devices (such as PCs, smartphones, tablets, routers, smart toys, or other gadgets) that are hacked and infected with a special malware so that these could be controlled by a cybercriminal to deliver cyberattacks.

The botnets data shared by Kaspersky Lab covered various malware families, specifically those targeting financial organizations, spreading ransomware, launching distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, distributing spam, and enabling other criminal activities. Investigations into the C2 servers are currently ongoing.

The operation's findings also include the confirmation of nearly 270 websites infected with a malware code which exploited a vulnerability in the website design application. Among the victims of malware infection were several government websites which may have stored some personal data of its citizens.

A number of phishing website operators were also discovered such as one with links to Nigeria. One cybercriminal based in Indonesia selling phishing kits via the Darknet had been ascertained to have posted tutorial videos on YouTube showing customers how to use the illegal software.

According to IGCI Executive Director Noboru Nakatani, the operation was ideal as it demonstrated a highly effective and beneficial public-private partnership in the fight against cybercrime. “Sharing intelligence was the basis of the success of this operation, and such cooperation is vital for long term effectiveness in managing cooperation networks for both future operations and day-to-day activity in combating cybercrime,” said Nakatani.

“Public-private sharing is a critical step in fighting cybercrime in the region,” said Anton Shingarev, Vice-President Public Affairs of Kaspersky Lab. “But for this operation, access to intelligence and technology has been as important as the experience of learning from each other throughout the process, resulting in better understanding and collaboration between private partners and law enforcement agencies. This makes the INTERPOL Global Complex for Innovations a unique platform that transforms intelligence sharing into meaningful and impactful actions against cybercriminals both at the regional and national levels.”

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Leading 10 Acne Suggestions With a plethora of confusing advice on the web Darwin Jones Jersey , I believed it would be useful to give a few simple acne tips to help prevent and deal with acne breakouts. Unfortunately, acne is an extremely typical skin situation in teens that is caused by the clogging of pores (whiteheads and blackheads) which can also cause red bumps, pimples and deeper lumps (nodules and cysts) to form. It is most frequently observed on the encounter, neck, chest, back, shoulders Damion Lowe Jersey , and the upper arms. The cause in teenagers is usually increased hormones and overactive oil glands. In grownups, tension and the effects that play on hormonal stimulation of the oil glands is frequently an element. Acne breakouts can be disfiguring and have a profound psychological influence on individuals so it is essential to treat early and stop scarring. Below are several simple suggestions that can assist enhance acne breakouts.

Important Tips:

1) Grime does not trigger acne! Acne breakouts is brought on by the clogging of the pores on your pores and skin, not dirt! Two times every day washing of your encounter with a gentle cleanser to eliminate dirt, oil, and cosmetics is suggested to prevent oil and grime buildup.

two) Wash your encounter twice a day! Some individuals advantage from cleansers that include benzoyl peroxide, salicyclic acid, or other products. Washing your pores and skin too frequently Cristian Roldan Jersey , though, can actually worsen acne due to extreme discomfort of the skin.

3) Keep your fingers off your encounter! The oil from your hands is transferred to your face which can worsen acne breakouts. Try your best not to rest your chin on the palm of your hand!

4) Do not choose your acne! Manipulation of acne lesions causes an increase in irritation and can occasionally trigger scarring. Furthermore, it tends to make the acne breakouts appear worse than it really is.

five) Eat wholesome! Acne breakouts is generally not brought on by your diet plan or the foods you consume. There are conflicting studies on this topic and varied views on the importance of diet plan in the conduite of acne. Generally talking, though, it is felt that a healthy diet tends to make 1 feel much better, lowers stress, and improves acne breakouts.

6) Remove your makeup at night! It is important to choose a make-up Clint Dempsey Jersey , foundation or moisturizer that is "non-comedogenic" (does not trigger you to break out) and eliminate it every night with a gentle cleanser. Do not go to bed with your make-up on!!

7) Stop your acne do not wait until you currently have a zit! The primary concentrate is to try to prevent acne in the first place. It is a lot easier to control acne by trying to stop new acne pimples, breakouts, and blemishes from forming.

8) Lower your stress! This is easier said that carried out. Nevertheless, it is widely know that the increased stress of modern living has contributed to an increase in acne breakouts.

9) See a dermatologist! If your acne breakouts is nodular or cystic or has not enhanced after these easy suggestions, you may require to be more proactive and intense in your treatment. Early treatment by a dermatologist with experience in acne prevention and treatment is essential to improve your outcomes.

ten) If your acne breakouts is reasonable or severe, don't wait around to see a skin doctor! If you do, you danger the possibility of scarring. Some instances may be managed with an antibiotic or birth manage pills. Reasonable or serious cases of acne breakouts frequently require a dermatologist to prescribe isotretinoin (accutane) to prevent acne breakouts scarring. Isotretinoin is a strong acne medication that improves excessively oily pores and skin Charlie Lyon Jersey , treats cystic acne, and helps prevent scarring from acne. Sean Rodriguez Apologizes For Skirmish Punching Cooler - RealGM Wiretap
Sean Rodriguez has issued an apology on Twitter for his actions in Wednesday night's bench-clearing scuffle and for pummeling a cooler in the Pittsburgh Pirates dugout after his ejection.

Pirates reliever Tony Watson drilled Chicago Cubs ace Jake Arrieta with a fastball in the top of the seventh inning to spark the scuffle. Arrieta and Watson exchanged words near home plate, and the bullpens and benches briefly emptied onto the field.

Rodriguez appeared to throw a punch during the scuffle, and he accused David Ross of grabbing him by the neck in the scrum.

After his ejection from the National League wild-card game, the Pirates utility man proceeded to give the unsuspecting water cooler a series of one-two combinations, eventually sending it tumbling to the ground.

MLM For Males - 3 Suggestions for Males in Multi Level Marketing It appears to many of us, that successful males in network marketing are within the minority. There isn't any discrimination. There is no assault on manhood. There simply seems to be a scarcity of successful males to model after. After particular personally having the opportunity to work with a whole lot of different folks Chad Marshall Jersey , I've come to have just a few private observations about what men must concentrate on as a way to be successful.

In this article I'll speak from my very own private experience. I give you no studies, documentation, or validation. I'm simply providing you my perspective on this industry as a man. Ladies are actually welcome to read this, although I apologize if some of this doesn't apply to you. I admire the wonderful women who have made this industry so great. It is simply my want to answer an space of this enterprise that there appears to be no information about. Thanks for your understanding.

three Ideas for Males Who Need to Be Successful in Network marketing

1) Successful Males Do not Look to Their Business to Validate Their Manhood - It's looks as if most men gravitate towards things they will do effectively on the job. We often do that, as a result of we get .

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Hiroki Kuroda Drawing Trade Interest - RealGM Wiretap The Dodgers are willing to trade pitcher Hiroki Kuroda and he has drawn interest on the market. A major-league source told Jon Morosi of FOXSports that "a lot of clubs" are showing interest in the right-hander. In fact Kyle Connor Jets Jersey , the Reds and Rockies had scouts present at Kuroda's most recent outing, though it's not clear if they were there to see him in particular. Obtain The Competitive Edge With These Suggestions On Affiliate Advertising The affiliate advertising world is incredibly large. Additionally it is very profitable, and you can certainly get started a career in it. There is certainly a wealth of affiliate marketing details and tips offered that can help you to succeed. Continue reading books for some great tactics to assistance get you on your own way together with your new affiliate promotion arrange.

Have some short term goals to help you move forward. You can stay motivated utilizing a method that operates perfect for you!

When initially striking out in affiliate promotion, try to avoid overextending yourself. In the event you discover in the starting, you may have better accomplishment. Then when you branch out to much more very competitive niches Keith Tkachuk Jets Jersey , you may have more knowledge.

Pick affiliates that are targeted to your audience. If the primary item is shoes, as an example, ads for dish detergent may not be ideal. Visitors to you site come simply because they are in search of particular info, merchandise, and professional services. You must exploit this and make sure there are actually easy-to-be-seen advertisements that show off just what they are looking for.

Sites that enable document sharing are excellent resources for putting short e-books our there. This can assistance demonstrate your expertise in your niche Jansen Harkins Jets Jersey , but more importantly it will give you a method to reach visitors who are seeking out facts related the content on your own site. Make sure that your document contains a number of links that readers can use to reach your web site.

Quite a few people try to hard to turn out to be an excellent affiliate. They spread themselves slim across an enormous portfolio of products, advertisements, and internet marketing campaigns. They are extremely vulnerable to a lot more focused competitors. Remember, maximum outcomes aren't attainable all at once. It would be the most successful to suit your needs in the event you take it slow and figure out which approach will perform best for you.

There need to continually be honesty in affiliate marketing. Disclose all affiliations and tell people everything you are trying to accomplish. In case your visitors are not completely confident regarding your degree of honesty, they are much less likely to create a purchase that you profit from.

Never ever rely over a number of affiliate partners to float your entire affiliate marketing campaign. Industry many different merchandise or professional services for a variety of vendors. Having a nicely spread out portfolio of items and affiliates can prevent hefty losses if one particular should really have to disappear. Make sure you might be working with sufficient earnings to prevent losses Jack Roslovic Jets Jersey , but not more than you can handle.

When you have established oneself, you need to request the course you're affiliated with for lots more cash. In case you are a star performer and convert many consumers, the company could be pretty willing to pay you a lot more to maintain you pleased.

It is very easy to make substantial earnings from affiliate promotion, although in-depth knowledge is critical in case you are to reach true good results. You will need to locate a strategy to make your blogsite ranked large by all of the search engines like google. This will gain you significantly better affiliates, which qualified prospects to further cash.

One particular way you may increase clicks on banner advertisements should be to have a trivia question that links back to your site on the banner. Folks will not manage to resist wanting to answer the question. Sweeten the pot by providing special discounts to visitors who got the issue right.

When selecting affiliates Dustin Byfuglien Jets Jersey , continually maintain your target audience in mind. This can grow traffic to your site as well as assist you in definitely knowing the wants and wants of your purchaser base.

Be sure which you are building use of a wide range of venues to advertise your item. By way of example, quite a few buyers evaluate products and rates making use of online professional services and are also lured by the most affordable cost. Some prefer to be able to hold the advert inside their hands when they do their shopping so fliers and sales sheets could perform very best for them. Then you can find the folks that can respond a lot more should a coupon is involved. The broader the scope of your advertisements, the greater clients you can draw in.

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Should Blue Jays Turn Focus To 2014 - RealGM Wiretap
The Blue Jays opened a three-year window to compete for a World Series when they swung a series of blockbuster moves this winter.

The additions of Jose Reyes Osvaldo Alonso Jersey , Josh Johnson, R.A Dickey and Mark Buehrle haven't made Toronto a contender this season, but there is still time for them to get a return on their investment.

Jon Paul Morosi writes that the Blue Jays should turn their focus to 2014 as the trade deadline approaches.

"A controllable starter such as Houston's Bud Norris or Milwaukee's Yovani Gallardo would be fine, but not a rental like Matt Garza Oniel Fisher Jersey , Ricky Nolasco or Ervin Santana," Morosi writes.

"An AL East team with a 5.06 rotation ERA, this deep into the season, is not on its way to the playoffs. Period."

Whether you are new to Internet Business or you are an experienced operator Obafemi Martins Jersey , you will no doubt have read the phrase "The Money Is In The List".

From my experience in various internet businesses, this is absolutely the case. If you dont have a correct targeted list to promote your products and services to then your business will never get off the ground. You will be forever wasting your money on fruitless advertising that will not work.

The question then arises: How do I create a list of targeted people who will BUY my products or services? Note, we are in business here, the aim is to get people on your list that are proven buyers of products or services that are similar to the ones you are providing.

Many new comers to internet businesses try and email as many people as they can Oalex Anderson Jersey , a sort of scatter gun approach, hoping that some of the recipients of their emails will buy their products. In my experience this just does not work.

Even though you may be using opt-in lists bought from the numerous lead companies out there today, it very seldom works.

The best list is one that YOU create yourself, using your own products or services. In this way you know you have a quality list of people who have directly enquired about your products.

One method many internet businesses use to get a list of people interested in their products is to give free products or ebooks away to entice people to sign up at their website.

This can be very effective in getting a lot of people to sign up at your website . However Nicolas Lodeiro Jersey , you need to ask yourself, is this list really comprised of people who will BUY my products? In my experience, giving things away for free results in a large list of people who want something for free.

Makes sense doesnt it. Ive used this method before and in my experience it is far inferior to the method Im going to concentrate on below:

What you really need in your opt-in list to grow your business is a list of people that have bought something from you, it really doesnt matter for what amount Nelson Valdez Jersey , it could be $2. The main difference here is that they have gone to the trouble to take out their credit card and actually BUY something from you.

This action of purchasing a product from you makes them worth their weight in gold.

You see it is far better to have a list of 500 people who have bought from you, then have a list of 5,000 or even 50,000 who have never bought from you.

Your objective here is to get your prospect to buy a product Nathan Sturgis Bedinelli Jersey , it doesnt matter what, the cheaper the better in my experience. Then you can up sell higher ticket items because you have established trust with your prospect and now they are your customer.

This action of up selling is where you make your money dont forget it is going to cost you money to build that list, it wont come easy and it may take a while, but it is definitely worth it!

So lets have a look a how you can build that all elusive opt-in list of buyers:

Collection of data:

The most obvious place to start is usually with a lead capture or splash page. This is where you encourage your prospect or visitor to your site to buy the Micheal Azira Jersey , preferably, cheap product you have for sale, lets say just $2. You should be able to send your product electronically as charging $2 you dont want to be mailing it.

There are many examples of lead capture or splash page you can see on the internet, they all have sales copy and inducements. My advice would be to pick the features of the best ones and preferably get a sales copy professional to do the wording for you.

Similarly there are many products available for you to choose. If you want a completely original product then my advice would be to write your own ebook! This is not as hard as it sounds Michael Farfan Jersey , there are a huge number of resources on the internet that can help you.

Now, what information are you going to collect? The longer the form the less likely your prospect will fill it in and press the submit button. Recent surveys suggest asking for only the first name and the principal email address. The reason for asking for the prospects principal email address is that many people use services like hotmail, aol, yahoo for secondary emails and quite often they only look at these emails periodically.

You MUST get your prospect to read your emails thats why you should ask for their primary email address.

Next question Marco Pappa Jersey , now you have captured the name and email address, where are you going to save it and how are you going to use the information?

Autoresponders are perfect for this and Aweber is the autoresponder most internet marketers use.

The autoresponder will automatically save the information from your capture form on your website and then automatically send out pre-defined emails on a timescale defined by you. This saves you an absolute fortune in time. It will follow-up your prospects and as we all know the money and conversion from your list comes.

Mark Scheifele Jets Jersey

Ortiz Has Foot Contusion Bogaerts Lands On DL - RealGM Wiretap
The Boston Red Sox Ondrej Pavelec Jets Jersey , who have lost eight straight games Nikolaj Ehlers Jets Jersey , lost two of their players on Sunday.

Xander Bogaerts was placed on the seven-day disabled list with a mild concussion and David Ortiz had to be pulled against the Seattle Mariners with a right foot contusion.

Ortiz had a scan taken on his foot and results were negative.

"There's no fractures of any kind Michael Hutchinson Jets Jersey , based on that test and we'll check him once we get to the ballpark [in Toronto] tomorrow Mathieu Perreault Jets Jersey , and obviously throughout the night tonight Mark Stuart Jets Jersey ," John Farrell said.

Bogaerts was hit in the head by a pitch Friday night and has been out of the lineup the last two games. He was tested again on Sunday and is still having concussion-like symptoms.

Football boot – car or truck wash Tool – AUTOBASE–NEWS Producer » StrongPedia Article Directory - Free article directory. Find free articles in our dofollow article directory Mark Scheifele Jets Jersey , get free website content and submit your own articles for free.

History The first report of a pair of football boots happens when Henry VIII of England ordered a pair in the Fantastic Wardrobe in 1526 The royal browsing list for footwear states 45 velvet pairs and 1 leather pair for football Alas they’re no lengthier in existence In association football s Laws in the Game Law 4 Participant s products deals with football boots Until finally 1891 any kind of projection over the soles or heels of football boots was strictly forbidden The 1891 revision permitted both equally studs and bars as long as they had been made of leather and did not project more than 50 percent an inch and they had their fastenings driven in flush using the leather Studs needed to be rounded neither conical nor pointed and never below fifty percent an inch in diameter The leather studs ended up at first hammered to the boots on the semi long term basis and people would have various pairs of boots with distinctive length studs but within the mid 1950s Adidas released boots with interchangeable screw in studs built of rubber or plastic for various climatic conditions Football boots ended up originally weighty boots with protection for that ankle and these remained the typical fashion of boot in northern Europe for several many years exactly where the boots necessary to stand up to the rigours of use on muddy winter pitches A lighter boot with out ankle safety and resembling a studded shoe grew to become preferred in southern Europe and South The united states where pitches had been usually more durable and significantly less muddy and this sooner or later grew to become the common fashion Timeline 1800 Over the 1800 football grew to become incredibly preferred in Britain Individuals who played would put on their serious and really hard work boots to perform These were the first actually boots with the steel toed cap for the front plus the prolonged laces and ankle assist These boots also had metal studs or tacks place in them at the bottom therefore the people would have more balance around the pitch While in the afterwards interval on the 1800 the first ever football boot was made manufactured of thick and heavy leather which ran right on your ankle for greater protection the first boot weighed 500g and would double in bodyweight when it was damp 1900 1940 Involving 1900 1940 football boots fashion stayed incredibly essential on account of the second earth war On the other hand in this time frame a lot of famed football boot producers arrive in regards to the likes of Gola Hummel and Valsport took place and were quite well-liked 1940 1960 After the Second Environment War the patterns of the football boot adjusted substantially and definitely started to generate an effect on the sport The South Us residents designed a much more light and more versatile boot This structure was centered on raising good regulate and superior kicking electricity quite than an extra protective boot 1960 Inside the 1960 the football boot technology truly took a massive stage which noticed lots of football boots constructed having a decrease reduce These enabled the perfect gamers in Europe and South America to move faster and alter course faster 1970 1980 The 1970 along with the 1980 saw many great advances and changes the from the football boot style and design The 1970 observed technological innovation deliver a lot of extra light boots and a selection of colours With this 10 years players started to receive paid to wear a specific brand of boots Ultimately in the 1980 probably quite possibly the most common and dominant boot in the earth the Adidas Predator was intended 1990 2000 In the 1990 this observed football boots introduce different types of studs to boost the stability from the player The Predators once again dominated this period along with a much more adaptable sole was introduced While in the 2000 laser know-how was launched to supply the first thoroughly customized football boot Diverse variations for various sports Relying over the sort of floor kind of sport and also the wearer s situation or purpose while in the game distinct cuts of boot and specifically stud arrangements are available For hard fields amateur participants may dress in a sneaker shoe or simply a plastic stud boot recognised as being a moulded sole in most sports and positions this can be sufficient while on a perfectly grassed or sodden subject a screw stud is suggested for much more grip these could be metal rubber or plastic

For rugby union the screw in stud or in some instances a metal tipped moulded stud is chosen in particular in the positions of prop hooker and lock in which much more grip is demanded for contested scrums These screw in studs need to be thoroughly of metal development not plastic with metal ideas of an optimum length of 18mm These boots are often heavier than acceptable for other types of football One particular with the far more clear variance.

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Relationships: The Art of Listening In 1974 Zach Scott Jersey , Dr. Virginia Satir presented the concept of mirroring in her groundbreaking book, "Conjoint Family Therapy."In 1975 Dr. Thomas Gordon wrote a best-selling book called "Parent Effectiveness Training." In the book he taught parents to "active listen," which means to reflect back to the speaker the feelings and information they are trying to convey. Mirroring, or active listening, is a powerful tool, but whether or not it works depends upon your intent.If you are active listening to another with an agenda to get them to see what they are doing wrong, or to get them to listen to you after you listen to them Victor Mansaray Jersey , then your intent in listening is to control. The person you are listening to can easily pick up the energy of control and will get angry or go into resistance. Listening with the intention to control backfires and just creates confusion in communication.However, active listening from a true desire to understand another's feelings and point of view can be magical. When you listen to learn and understand, rather than to control, you give the other person a great gift.We all want to be heard and understood. While it is our responsibility to hear and understand ourselves - our own feelings and needs - and take loving action for ourselves, it also feels wonderful when someone we care about hears and understands us. This is the basis of emotional intimacy.When I work with couples, I teach them that there are only two healthy ways of dealing with conflict:1. Move into an intent to learn2. Speak your truth and lovingly disengageMoving Into an Intent to LearnWhen you really desire to understand another, you move into an intent to learn - both about yourself and about them. Actively listening to the other is a major aspect of learning. When you really want to deeply know another Tyrone Mears Jersey , you listen carefully and mirror back to them what you hear them saying and feeling. It is not a matter of agreeing with them, but of understanding them. It is not about changing them or changing yourself, but about really hearing them and attempting to see the world through their eyes - understanding the good reasons they have for feeling and behaving as they do. For example:Your partner: "I'm still angry at you for being late and not calling me when you know I worry about you."You: "I hear you saying that it's really unsetting to you when I don’t call when I'm going to be late. You feel I don't care about the fact that you worry."Your partner: "Right. If you really cared about me, you wouldn't want me to worry."You: "I understand. It hurts your heart when you know that I know you worry and I don't seem to care about that."Partner: "Yes, that's exactly right. So if you understand this, are you going to start to call me when you are late?"You: It sounds like you believe that if I understand you, then I will change - that I have no good reasons for not calling Tyler Miller Jersey , is that right?This dialogue can go on until it feels complete to both of you.Your partner may or may not want to hear why you were late without calling, and you need to let go of getting him or her to hear you. That's the hard part!Speaking Your Truth and Lovingly DisengagingThere are times when, even if you are open to learning and really want to understand another, the other is just intent on attacking and blaming you. When this is the case, you might want to speak your truth and lovingly disengage. This looks like saying something like: "I'd love to talk with you about this when you stop being angry," and then walking away, keeping your heart open. This means that you are not withdrawing in anger or blame. You are staying in compassion for yourself and the other person so that when he or she opens Troy Perkins Jersey , you have no residue because you have taken full responsibility for yourself.Once the other person is no longer angry and blaming, you might want to again open to learning and active listening to them - with no agenda that he or she listens to you. True listening is an act of giving with no expectation of anything in return. It is a kind and loving way to interact with someone you care about. It is a great gift. Applying Fake Tanning Products To Darken The Skin Color Minus The Risks » Submit Content Online | Free Article Directory | Add Articles Tweet
Many people who like to enjoy darker skin color count on fake tanning products instead of sitting in the sun. Indoor tanners contain ingredients that allow them to provide the expected results without the involvement of UV radiation. Thanks to the availability of these fake tanning products, everyone can easily steer clear of deadly skin cancer as well as photo damage. Sunlabs Self Tanning Review

Don’t assume that today’s fake tanning products are all the same. They differ when it comes to the duration of the artificial tan created. Additionally, not all of them are capable of giving your skin a golden brown shade that looks lovely and natural, just like a suntan.

When shopping for fake tanning products, point out how long you want to be seen with a darker skin tone. Some fake tanning products are made to leave a tan-like stain that washes off when you step foot in the shower. Tanners of such kind contain bronzers that temporarily coat the skin, giving the impression that you had just spent several minutes in the sun.

Fake tanning products that use bronzers to work are suited for those who want a very short-term artificial tan. The moment they like to get back to their natural skin tone Tony Alfaro Jersey , they just have to remove the stain left by bronzers with water. It’s important to note that just about any type of liquid may cause bronzers to be erased, and it includes your sweat. Especially when wearing light-colored clothes, avoid engaging in activities that make you perspire if you don’t want them to end up discolored.<.

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Blue Jays Open To Dealing From Major League Roster - RealGM Wiretap
The Toronto Blue Jays are open to dealing from their Major League roster in order to fortify their pitching staff.

"We're looking to add and it's hard to take away from the big-league club Erik Karlsson Senators Jersey ," Alex Anthopoulos told Sportsnet's Tim & Sid Show.

"I was on the phone with one team (prior to coming on the show) and I mentioned that we may need to be creative. As much as we don't want to take away from the current 25, we bounced around some ideas and concepts. That's not the path we want to go down but if we can't seem to get what we want from a prospect standpoint we'll need to open it up and be creative, similar to what Oakland and the Red Sox did last year with Jon Lester and (Yoenis) Cespedes. We're open to doing something like that as well."

It is Not also Late to be Hot It is Not also Late to be Hot June 24, 2012 | Author: davidaugust1 | Posted in Business

You may likely have aspired to be a cop and cease crimes. A French maid, it’s possible? Do you take place to see school boring primarily when you get to put on uniforms that make you seem to be as well conservative? You can be no matter you motivation to be and be hot at the same time if you put on attractive costumes.

These types of costumes are generated in distinctive kinds and designs and wearing them will expose all your hidden ambitions at the same exact time flaunting your attractive entire body and there are a several arguments why you will need to get one particular: a person Dion Phaneuf Senators Jersey , if you are a model for a photograph shoot two, you are heading to go to a costume party and 3, you are owning non-public moments with your cherished ones and that is the only moment you can unleash the scorching woman inside of you.

When you dress in these costumes, you’ll seem quite elegant and sexy that it is unattainable for men to stop their eyes from staring at you.

Some of the most common sexy costumes you can find are:

School girl costumes
Attractive nurse costumes
Attractive cop costume
Brides, Angels
French maid costumes
Fairy Tale
Girl Bugs
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Bavarian Beauties
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Gangster Ladies
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.and various way more!!!

It is up to you to settle on which of the mentioned costumes spark your curiosity and you can consider according to your present occupation Derick Brassard Senators Jersey , your sought after profession, fantasies or childhood desires like becoming a fairy, an angel or a goddess and even a pirate or you can pick according to your wish to control your guys and have him below your spell by looking for witch and devil costumes. Whichever you go for and then again you choose your costume and what ever your function is for sporting one particular, an individual issue is for confident, and that is the real truth that you can get the alternatives mentioned above at Monet Attractive Costumes.

You can unearth something and all kinds of things you like at this web page and these is nothing at all you motivation that you are not able to attain here. You are ensured of perfectly-manufactured costumes at the webpage so it is no shock if people will discover you enormously extraordinary and attractive no matter where you are.

You can be whatever you like to be and be sexy at the same time if you wear sexy costumes .

Effective tools for planter fasciitis Huckeba Haren
Submitted 2014-02-28 10:23:49

Planter fasciitis is one of the common reasons for heel discomfort among middle-aged people; young ones can also fall prey to this kind of pain specially those who stand Daniel Alfredsson Senators Jersey , run as well as walk a lot like soldiers or perhaps athletes. Fundamentally, your high heel is attached to your foot via a tendon called planter ligament, which when inflamed turns swollen, fragile and inflammed so when in these condition, you are trying to get through to your feet then you definitely feel a sharp stabbing in your ft . Curtis Lazar Senators Jersey , which is termed as planter fasciitis.

The symptoms of this pain are usually general and could be found commonly in most people; nonetheless, planter fasciitis symptoms can appear in an as well in both feet dependant on the nature and also extent of these.

Now let's discover what causes inflammation of planter fascia:
When you stress your ligament that links your arch then this discomfort could trigger; nonetheless, if you repeatedly have to go by means of straining regarding ligament it can have tears in it which usually eventually result in planter fascia inflammation and an instant air associated with pain that you have to address by way of apt planter fasciitis treatment as quickly as possible in order to relieve the pain.

The most common causes of this particular pain tend to be:
. High arches or perhaps having smooth heels
. When you walk your own foot position feels rolling inward
. You operate a lot about flat and difficult surfaces
. You are overweight
. Your Achilles tendons are tighter
. Your shoes do not fit well in your toes
If you have to have problems with any of the above-mentioned result in then there is reasonable possibility any particular one day you'll also produce planter fasciitis symptoms, which are given below:
. When you take first steps inside morning you are feeling pain .