dimanche 30 avril 2017

Pharaoh Lakes Wilderness Loop 4/28-4/29

Made it up to Pharaoh Lakes Wilderness for the first time this weekend. Taking advantage of the stellar spring weather seemed way more important than the yard work that still needs to be done.

I skipped out of work a little early on Friday and headed out from the Tubmill Marsh TH (short swing TH?) around 5:30pm. The plan was to make camp at Lilypad pond and start out on a loop the next morning. Upon arriving at Lilypad LT, I found a single camper with their tent set up in the LT. Not having very much patience after a long work week, I chose to keep my thoughts to myself and high tailed it off to Rock Pond in search of another campsite. I managed to make it to an empty Rock Pond LT a good 15 minutes before sunset and quickly made dinner and set up my food hang before daylight slipped away. After watching the sky's colors fade over the pond, I settled in to my book and few sips from the flask. It was relaxing to hear distant Loon calls and an owl from a little ways off.

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I heard several crashing trees from a couple hundred yards away around 10pm. Originally fearing the sounds were coming from a neighboring campsite, the next morning I discovered beaver activity in the general area. Are beavers active around this time or could I have been hearing something else?

I rose with the sun Saturday morning and packed up over a cup of coffee. Leaving camp around 7:30 I walked with purpose to visit a series of ponds, making sure to make at least a few casts into each one. I spoke with a friendly couple at Clear Pond before making my way to Grizzle Ocean just in time to watch a threesome launch their canoe. I eventually worked my way down to Pharaoh Lake and enjoyed a long lunch at the LT on the Northern shore. By then, the wind had picked up making the days humidity a little more comfortable.

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Had I more time I would have gone up and over Pharaoh Mountain instead of Glidden Marsh. But Sunday obligations and the promise of much cooler night pushed me back towards civilization. The afternoon and early evening were spent making the return trip and visiting Crab and Horseshoe ponds and their amazing campsites. Since I was already in the neighborhood, I stopped by Sticks and Stones (one of my favorites) to help balance out the calorie deficit.

I'm looking forward to returning to the Pharaoh Lakes Wilderness to see what other gems it's hiding!

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