mardi 25 avril 2017

Raquette River

April 12-13, 2017 my Outdoor Leadership class of eight people plus a friend decided to go on a over night hiking trip to Axon Landing. The trip started in the morning with a nice long bus ride to our destination with a quick stop to the store. When we arrived the bus parked and we had to walk a mile down the dirt road to the beginning of the trail. The trail was easy but their was still ice and snow on the path so you had to go around it. Also portion of the trail we submerged in water and then you had to make a detour to avoid it. We started hiking on the trail at 10:00 and made it the first lean-to at 12:15 were we took a quick lunch break. After that and your back hurting from carrying your hiking bag we started walking again and made it to the second lean-to in no time. The class took a break there and then our teacher thought it would be better to stay at the third lean-to, so we packed our things and started walking again. To our disappointment the area around the lean-to was muddy which made it impossible to pitch up a tent. Unable to stay at the third lean-to we had to walk back to the second lean-to, but first we regroup at the rangers cabin. After regrouping individual group's started hiking back to the second lean-to taking their time. Making it to the lean-to that we were staying at everyone started relaxing and setting up their tent's. While Randy Savage fixed the firepit and Jesus started gathering firewood with my help and Hillbilly Buck. When the fire was roaring and their was a good set of coal's, Randy Savage cooked hotdog's on a grate that was found at the lean-to hanging on a nail along with three others. We had water drink from the river and Randy Savage brought a steriopen and a thing of pink lemonade. Then laster after letting the steak unthaw Randy Savage cooked steak and hamburgers for the group. After dinner everyone relaxed and went to bed. Even though you were wearing multiple layers of clothes to bed and in a sleeping bag, you were freezing your butt off. I had to use CowTipper as my personal heater to stay warm. The next morning we had a big breakfast of pancakes, bacon, sausage and eggs. After feasting on breakfast everyone packed up their things and tents, then started walking back. The hike back was easier then the walk in...or that's what it felt like to me. The walk was nicer seeing how the sun was out and not the other day. I walked with Foxtrot and Jesus and we made conversation the whole time we walked. When we got out to the beginning of the trail we waited for the rest of the group so the pass time I threw a hackysack with CowTipper. When the rest of the group reached us we walked another mile back to the bus and it was 12:00. We started hiking back at 10:25, but we took less water breaks. With everyone tired from the trip we enjoyed the trip back to school, with a quick stop at McDonald stop to grab lunch. The hike in total was a four mile hike if you walked to the last lean-to.

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