mardi 25 avril 2017

Raquette Falls Adventure

On April 12-13, 2017 my class took an overnight adventure to Axton Landing. The trip all started with the bus ride to our first walk. When we arrived, around 10:30, the bus couldn't make it any further so we had to walk the dirt road 1 mile to our trail. when we made it to the beginning of our trail the ones ahead of everyone waited for the others to catch up. once we all gathered we headed off on the trail, we all had a look of disappointment when the trail started off with all snow, but we all took off anyhow. The trail was quite easy with only a few obstacles. At times the trail was more wet and icy than other areas of the trail but we still managed to get by it. We reached our first lean-to at about 12:15 for a short break. Shortly after we headed out again to the second lean-to, where we all sat down in relief to get our packs off our backs. We made a group decision to hike to the third lean-to. Razanoff, Hillbilly Buck, and i stayed towards the back with Homer Simpson. After hiking up down some large hills we saw a tire on the woods and wondered why it was back there, well we looked a little further and noticed an old rusted frame of a tractor. As we continued we came across the DEC building, just a little further is when we had some disappointment come across us. The third lean-to was very muddy and had snow up to our knees. We made a group meeting back at the DEC building, which was very nice! When we all arrived we decided to head back to the second lean-to which seemed very quick to get back to. When we arrived we all began to set up camp and get comfortable. It was a beautiful site with a nice opening to the water, which is amazing to see in the morning. We hung out and enjoyed our selves until dinner, a few of us even took a nap. We had hamburger, hot dogs, and steak the first night and just hung out by the fire the rest of the night. Ricky Bobby and Hillbilly Buck decided they would take an adventure back to the bridge at 7pm to find phone service, well when they weren't back well after dark we sent Homer to find them. The two girls and i went in our tent and went to bed. It was a very cold night, Cow Tipper was in the middle to keep Razanoff and i warm all night. we woke u in the morning and packed up our stuff and cleaned everything up, ate a nice breakfast, double checked and headed out around 9:30. Cow Tipper got way ahead because she was antsy to get out of there so it was Razanoff and i sticking together. We hiked just about all the way out when Jesus decided to sneak up on us and scared the crap out of me. We had some good laughs and interesting talk on the way out, which made the hike seem faster. As we were coming to the end of the trail we met a family coming in. We got out to the dirt road about 11:15 and soaked up the sun until the rest of the group made it out. A kind man told us that our bus was at the end of the road waiting for us, so we headed another mile down that dirt road. Half way down that road my phone went off with my coach telling us our game was switched to away in Chateaugay, so Razanoff and i, with anger in our voice, had to get a hold of people to get our uniform. We stopped to get food on our way back to the school, when we arrived to school we unpacked some stuff, Razanoff and i had enough time to get ready for our game and get back on the bus to head out. Over all, it was a great trip and i wouldn't mind hiking it again! :clap:

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