dimanche 30 avril 2017

How do you ge trid of the right hand dominance?

As i have just started doing my patterns at home, i have come to the realisation i cannot for the life of me do the four directional punching left handed, nor do TKD punching left hand lead and i struggle to do blocking with the left hand now.

I knew it was a problem to begin with but now it is annoying as i basically cant do it for the left hand. I can jab with it. Im thinking because i have done jabbing with the left and strong hits with the right its not helped that much.

I also have this problem with my right foot for some kicks if i need to twist on it, the alt is fine and so are front kicks.

It has only just annoyed me yesterday when i tried to do the white belt patterns and could do them with a left handed lead nor could i do power striking with my left hand leading.

(i am right handed, also i am planning on going back soonish to a dojo for TKD) Not too sure if asked before.

also a note i will splice in when i get back, i think i have made it habbit that i always strike with my right hand so i unintentionally always retract my left hand when wanting to punch with it.

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