dimanche 30 avril 2017

AGC Glass Germany Protects Its Critical Infrastructure with Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity

Kaspersky Lab is announcing today that its specialized solution for industrial environments now protects the infrastructure of AGC Glass Germany GmbH, the leading provider of automotive glass for BMW, Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Volvo, Opel and other key manufacturers. Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity ensures the company’s protection from various cyber threats - from widespread attacks to targeted attacks on industrial equipment - and is tailored to meet the unique demands of operational technology.
When it comes to highly automated, large-batch manufacturing like at AGC Glass Germany, process stability is absolutely critical. A delay in production, or worse, a complete breakdown of production lines, can not only incur cancellation fees, but in many cases expensive contractual penalty charges for the company. To address this, AGC has utilized the Industry 4.0 platform Tomorrow Connect from Kaspersky Lab’s partner Tomorrow Labs for data collection, processing and visualization, as well as Kaspersky Industrial CyberSecurity for its security operations, which has been successfully deployed on each of the ten production lines. Kaspersky Lab’s solution offers award-winning protection from cyber threats and provides unique features for industrial environments, such as integrity checking for programmable logic controllers, or anomaly detection inside industrial processes. These features all aim to allow AGC Glass Germany to achieve its goal of uninterrupted operations.
Jan Houben, Plant Manager at AGC Glass Germany GmbH, comments: “When selecting our security provider, we needed to meet a long list of requirements, the first being the ability to deploy a solution whilst our operations were still running. Compatibility with both our control systems and the Tomorrow Connect monitoring solution was also necessary. Kaspersky Lab offered a much desired level of customer support and willingness to adapt its solution to our unique infrastructure. This, plus the chance to gain the highest level of protection, is why we have decided to embrace Kaspersky Lab’s security offer”.
Kaspersky Lab’s ability to integrate with existing industrial hardware and production management systems adds to the desirability of the provider’s acclaimed cybersecurity intelligence. Kaspersky Lab’s solution combines a range of advanced security technologies such as malware protection, whitelisting and vulnerability management with device access control, integrity checks and semantic monitoring of process controls.
Andrey Suvorov, Kaspersky Lab’s Head of Critical Infrastructure Protection, comments: “We are happy to deliver our latest solution for industrial cybersecurity to AGC Glass Germany, a leading European manufacturer that needs top-notch protection from cyber threats and best-in-class reliability. The industrial environment places strict demands on cybersecurity, and AGC Glass Germany top management took a lead in the initial discussion and supported implementation process. Together with Tomorrow Labs we have been able to meet the levels of integration and data visibility that are desired by the customer”.
More details about Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity are available on Kaspersky Lab’s website.

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