lundi 19 juin 2017

4 corners base camp with creek swimming hole

So we are thinking it may be time for Marcy & Co. Probably on a weekday. We actually hike the peaks in the shoulder seasons so I'm a bit intimidated about summer back packing in peaks. Heat, crowds, bugs... A cool place to soak my feet at the end of the day would be most welcome.

Plan would be start on trail around 1pm. Backpack to basecamp. Day hike several peaks, Possibly starting super early to be on peak to welcome dawn. Exit 3rd day, possibly doing a peak on way out.

Looking for a swimming hole or wading spot with moving water. Waterfalls would be a plus but that sounds greedy. We hammock camp so a designated lean to or tent site is not required - we can go 150' back. Some of you guys have amazing memories so I will add a nice area of hardwoods makes hanging a bit easier.

And... If you have an idea with all of the above but not Marcy we'd jump on that too. Marcy ain't goin' anywhere.

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