mercredi 7 juin 2017

A Modern Nogi game

Hey Mappers, long time no see.
So I've been really trying to develop a more competitive game. I've had success in the gi learning to use a lot of spider, DLR, and top game passing pressure from my Judo experience.

However nogi seems to be its own conundrum for me. I keep running into a wall in nogi as I get crushed by the guys from our school with wrestling backgrounds. We come from a more old school Helio style of training, so even in comp class a lot of the training is geared towards being on top. It seems from my position w/o the gi its more of a battle of who's the better wrestler or knows the better leg lock system.

I'm really trying to make a competitive nogi game for some upcoming competitions. I fight in nogi advanced. but most of my game is lost w/o the cloth once we are actually on the floor. Should I just go google a bunch of leg lock stuff and go from there? I'm trying to accurately describe how I feel about the situation. It feels like I have no guard in Nogi. tips on making that transition would be most appreciated.

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