mardi 6 juin 2017

They're Tough to Catch!

Hello.....and in need of some advice from Adirondack fly fishers::cry:

How does one catch Brook Trout, on flies, on an Adirondack pond, on a day trip?

After moving to WI and now PA; I've spent the last 3 years fly fishing Brook Trout lakes and ponds in Michigan, in Minnesota's North Shore, and finally, the Adirondack Park. In a bunch of trips, I've managed only a few trout.

In my experience, as soon as the sun hits the water, they go find depths of 10-16 ft deep and are quite difficult to locate and catch.

On Memorial Day weekend, I hiked into Clear Pond (Siamese Ponds Wilderness) and managed a couple of fish in the afternoon, slow trolling an AP Emerger on a sink-tip line. There were 6 others fishing (wow for a 1.6 mi hike!) and almost everyone was fishing a worm with some sort of shiny blade about 18 inches above. Sure enough, they were picking up trout near the bottom in 16-17 ft of water.

This last weekend, I made a very lll-ooo-nnn-ggg drive and day hike into Stony Pond (Minerva) where I was skunked. I was trolling 4 flies on an intermediate line and had one strike near some submerged boulders off the pond's north side. Beautiful pond, but, that type of success is what I'm used to with stillwater Brookies.

Problem is stillwater trout fly fishing is my preferred hobby (even though I'm very good on streams).

So, what am I missing?

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