jeudi 3 août 2017

Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, Cape Breton, PEI Roadtrip

Back in June we went on a roadtrip to New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island.* It was an awesome trip with some incredibly beautiful places.* Cape Breton was especially stunning, a place that should be on anyone's list.* It is truly amazing how gorgeous the Atlantic coast can be.* The sunny weather surely helped.

Highlights were Fundy National Park with its moss gorges and waterfalls, it looked like the pacific northwest.* I loved the Acadian forests, with the spruce, pine, and hemlock.* Hopewell Rocks are a must with incredible rock formations carved by the world's highest tides.* It is hard to fathom the scope of these tides- 40 feet high and they go out for miles, leaving vast mud plains, and the bay becomes the color of chocolate milk.

Next was Nova Scotia and it is as gorgeous as everyone says it is.* We went off the beaten track to two provincial parks-* Cape Chignecto and Five Islands.* I highly recommend both and the drive between them was beautiful.* Hard to believe it isn't more famous.* Chignecto in particular impressed me with its rugged coast, rock formations, red cliffs and beaches, isolation, and a 30ish mile backpacking loop.* Go there.

Cape Breton was next and it is one of my favorite places.* We saw cars from across the US and Canada.* The combination of alpine mountains, canyons, rugged coasts, waterfalls, beaches, lakes, and pristine water made this a place I'll never forget.* Cape Breton Highlands Natl Park and the Cabot Trail were awesome.* We made the trek to isolated Meat Cove, a place I'd like to return with mountain scenery and a wealth of little known, high quality trails.* We drove to the Skyline Trail, while famous it is worth every step with breathtaking views from alpine ridges.* Cape Breton is a special place that you need to experience, the towns were clean, people were friendly. * The coastal scenery rivaled what I've seen on the Pacific coast.

Next was Prince Edward Island.* Very pretty, rolling farmlands with red soil, lots of shops, b&bs, Green Gables references, quaint.* We saw the national park with its red bluffs and beaches, but we did not stay long.* PEI is not really and outdoors destination, more of a tourist place, but still worth the stop.*

If you're looking for a different vacation destination, go to the Canadian Maritimes. *

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