vendredi 24 octobre 2014

Heart Valve Issues, Anyone?

Well, I'm not altogether certain if I want to post this or not ... I'd taken a couple of months or nearly off from boxing as we were in the process of relocating from the Midwest to the SE of the States and then it were a bit to find an old-school club in our area.

So, I started back - nothing heavy - no heavy sparring, just sort of a back to basics approach as I knew I'd not been terribly active in some time and wanted to spend time conditioning my legs as I'd pulled a nasty hamstring earlier in the year and I'd put on weight due to the inactivity.

Something warn't ... quite right... over the last three weeks. I was getting mightily winded on things just months prior - were no problem - some of my favourite warm-ups - things that even my kids couldn't touch me on - were givin me fits - out of breath, muscles screaming...

So, I went to our GP who, did an EKG, finding nothing, but being a very good doctor, sent me to a cardiologist where I did a stress test and Ultra Sound of the heart.

I'd always had superb blood-pressure, cardiac function and so forth, despite the years of heavy smoking, not taking care of myself - I'd started in my mid-forties to correct things - began running, taking up MA, finding my long lost youth. Overcame a bad spate of ill-conditioning a few years ago and was chuffed at myself for heading up physically at an age when many begin their decline.

So, I was surprised to hear that I've a damaged heart valve - leaking apparently. I've to go back for another stress test, this time I've to undergo it with radioactive dye for NMR studies.

I've heard different things - that its no big deal, that management of health takes care of it, I've also heard other less-rosy possibilities.

Anyone here been diagnosed with such? Whatcha do about it?

The wife is wantin me to take it easy - BOLLOCKS - I've seen that with uncles who 'retired' and began filling their days with daytime soap-operas - it was a Px for death.

If anything, I'm wanting to go in a 180 degree direction. Get myself ready for the ammy's - something - I'm thinking; but just between ourselves, the way my muscles are screaming for O2 now during rudimentary sessions in a way I've not felt before, its going to be a very steep climb. ( No, the doctor's have said nothing regards to specifics of what I can, canna do at this point - its early in the diagnose process, just throwing things on the table, as it were )

Would really like to hear from someone who's been down this alley.

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