mardi 28 octobre 2014

rolling with big guys

today, i got to roll with a gentleman that was over 300 pounds. i'm not a small man: 6'0" (1.83 m), 200lb (90 kg).

we drilled today starting from closed guard. i was on bottom to start. i knew right away that he was going to open my guard, because i was barely able to get my feet together. my plan was to keep him off me at all costs. so i immediately went to my favorite open guard: lapel and sleeve with my knee in his shoulder. did pretty good holding him off, but eventually his weight made it very difficult. he completely smashed me and got on top into side control, but i got lucky and quickly was able to get a hook in. we ended up going back into a kind of closed guard because he was in danger of squashing me. i kept trying to work a 2-hand collar choke, but his neck was so big i couldn't work it.

after 3 minutes, it was my turn to be in his closed guard. that was a little easier because i was on top. beforehand, i decided i was going to squat lift him--my favorite closed guard opener. wasn't a bad idea because i figured that no one probably ever tries that on him. in the process, i opened his guard and worked some passes but couldn't get by before time expired.

is there anything you guys try for people that are much bigger than yourselves? what do you find the most success with?

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