dimanche 26 octobre 2014

Religion and Martial Arts

Does this bother you when a school pushes their religious beliefs on you? I have always seen martial arts as secular. Most of what we practice now has it's origin in China or Japan, which are both secular countries. Japan's main religion is Buddhism. Bruce Lee, was passionate about being a non-believer. He felt religion was a crutch. Now, whether you feel that way or not is inconsequential.

Recently, one of the schools I've been interacting with made their belief in God known to me. The posted several religious memes on facebook and my wall went up. I had a conversation with them about these memes and I explained that I don't believe in a deity. They informed me that "they do" but they have the utmost respect for people who don't. That was, imho, a stupid thing to say since they had just posted two religious memes. If they had respect for their audience, they would have kept religion private, and to themselves. Instead, they harmed a relationship with me that could have been beneficial to both of us. Ironically, Bruce Lee would not like this for it was a school bearing his martial art: JKD.

I guess my question is this. How do you deal with religion and martial arts? Is it something that you've encountered before? Does it bother you when someone brings up God? If they do bring up God, does it make you uneasy? Lastly, would this put a wall up for you?

For me, it did because where I see one mistake happening I know it will happen again because the teacher doesn't see anything wrong with broadcasting his love for a deity. I just think that his love for God should be kept private and not broadcast to all of his students.

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