mercredi 29 octobre 2014

Training abroad

Hi there folks I am thinking about going on a martial arts holiday :) I have 2 months leave to use up by February and am shortly to be devoid of the wife (the D word not anything more sinister) so I want to treat my self. I'm currently investigating options so please feel free to throw your 2p in :)

I want to go somewhere hot and sunny and want to train in something full contact or a 'combative' style, I have about a month to 6 weeks and would like to spend as little as possible. That said I realise it's never going to be cheap but I'd like to make an effort.

The 2 options I have come up with are either Krav maga in Israel or Muay Thai in Thailand. Has any one been to any of these sorts of places? Is the training worth the trip or do tourists just get fleeced?

The other option I figure is to just train full time in the UK at a full time academy/dojo somewhere (I will be effectively homeless so location isn't as important as the quality of the training and the cost) but short term renting + food etc will not be cheap so cost wise not a huge difference from going abroad a cording to my rough calculations.

Cheers for any help you can provide :)

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