jeudi 30 octobre 2014

Lows Lake canoe in deer hunt 2014

Here is the follow up to my earlier post about my plans for a canoe in deer hunt:

I ended up spending 5 days on Lows, I camped at the same site as 2 years ago, #35, so most of the pictures will look the same as the ones I posted from 2012 earlier.

The weather was everything from rain, sleet, wind, sun and then almost 60 degrees. The trip in was tiring, the canoe was heavily loaded but I was lucky the wind was down. I hit site 35 about 5pm and had camp set up by dark. That interior frame on my wall tent makes for a quick set up.

I only spent one real day hunting Tomar Mt., more less a walk around and admiring the beautiful hardwoods there. Again saw more moose sign, their tracks dominate the game trails. On the way out I did my best imitation of a moose grunt and that evening I heard the real thing from my campsite, coming from the Tomar Pond area.

The eats where good, time around camp fun, and the little bit of hunting I did memorable. My sons pretty much guarantee venison in the freezer for me these days so I don't hunt as hard as most and prefer to enjoy the whole experience with as little discomfort as possible. It was easy to add another stick to the wood stove and listen to the rain on the tent roof while sipping another cup of pressure at all.

Thanks to NY for dropping the non resident deer tag by 1/3, had I know about it earlier I would have planned a better trip. Now the non resident deer tag includes a small game license and a bear tag, for only $100, an excellent deal. A deer tag, bear tag and small game license would have cost me well over $200 two years ago. Next year I will plan a small game trip in in early October where I will also stash some firewood so my later deer trip will be better planned, scouted better too.

I spoke with Ranger Dawn and she told me that I had the lake to myself. I felt very blessed.

Here's some pictures.

Tomar Mt Hardwood

Good eats,

Beautiful Country,

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