dimanche 1 mars 2015

Paddle Suggestion?

Ok so I am pretty sure this has been done and or beaten to death but I have been less than effective using the search function (probably because I'm not really sure how to do that most effectively).


I have a modest amount of canoeing experience. I am NOT a white water type. More like a flat water/ calm to moderate moving water type enthusiast.

I specifically plan my trips around that standard. Also of note is that I am typically solo, however, I do intend on buying 2 paddles because my wife does go with me on some day paddles.

So with that knowledge I seek an improvement over the aluminum shaft plastic bladed paddles I have historically used.

The choices/ reviews/ websites & forums are a bit overwhelming. Bent shaft, beaver tail ..... etc. You know the drill.

I'm NOT looking for speed, nor light weight necessarily as much as an over all effectiveness.

Why am I asking? I am planning to paddle the entire length of the Susquehanna river (444 miles) this summer (2015) and at a somewhat leisurely pace.

In the upper portions (like where I live) the shallowness will be most evident so something with some durability is in order. Of course I could use my current aluminum & plastic ones for those sections and nice wood ones for elsewhere.......

So I guess What I am essentially after is suggestions and "why" you do so. Also I am not inclined to spend hundreds of dollars (each) on paddles as I am not a pro and am a recreational weekend warrior type paddler for the most part and the occasional canoe camping trip type.

I am open to all suggestions/ manufacturers but please tell me "why," since this is also a, learning the next level thing, for me.

My canoe is a fiberglass, 17' Mohawk. If that is part of the equation.

Thank you in advance.

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