jeudi 19 mars 2015

Pain in thigh when stretching


I've always been rather unflexible and when I started karate over a year ago I noticed my flexibility improved greatly in a rather short time even without me trying too hard. My goal now for a while has been to do a full side split. I'm just about a couple of inches from there, but about two months ago, I suddenly started feeling pain (only) in my right thigh when stretching for a side split or when I bend my body to the right knee while sitting with legs far apart. Or when doing high kicks (but still only one side hurts).

I'm not sure what exactly hurts there. It is not a hip, the place is on the backside of my right thigh, more outward than inward...

It doesn't hurt normally or after stetching. Also when I warm up and/or stretch past the pain, it gets better and I can still put my face on the knee as before or generally get to my max positions, even have a partner help me stretch without a problem. And then it usually doesn't hurt anymore during training (maybe because we don't do high kicks too often). The biggest problem are sudden fast movements resulting in a split or anything involving stretching unless I stretch thoroughly first.

Therefore I think it's nothing major and I applied my philosophy to simply wait and let the time heal whatever part of my body hurts (which is usually enough - unless it feels serious).

But it's been around two months since it suddenly happened for the first time and nothing changed so far. That's why I would like to ask if anyone here has a similar experience or any advise to give. It is a minor problem, and probably not too serious to visit a doctor, but it starts to get a little annoying so I thought asking won't hurt :)

Any help appreciated :)

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