mercredi 4 mars 2015

side blade kicks

Last night I learned a side blade kick. I can do it poorly but as a beginner it's to be expected. I didn't get the chance to ask my sensi about methods for improvement. Last night was sparring right after the group class and I didn't want to hold everyone up and there was a line of folks to speak with our instructor. As a result I didn't get a chance to ask about methods to practice at home. I won't have another class until Thursday.

I can maintain a good base and balance to about groin height with my right leg and a bit higher with my left. My form isn't bad but might be called a good mediocre. What are some things that would help my noviceness for improving both height/flexibility while improving and maintaining my form? I'm not expecting an overnight miracle but I always feel better going in with a plan rather than practicing something the same way when it's not quite right.

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