mardi 11 avril 2017

how to get someone to move/leave?

You've probably heard about the incident on a United Airlines plane where a man was dragged (literally) off the airplane because he wouldn't leave voluntarily. For the sake of my question, let's just assume that the airline had the legal right to get him off the plane, and let's just assume that police officers did it. [That is what all of the news reports I've heard thus far unanimously say, anyway.]

My question is -- coming from a martial artist point of view -- how should he have been taken off the plane? Physically, how should Mr. Leo get an uncooperative person out of his chair and down the aisle? I'm primarily thinking martial arts movements, grips, levers, where to squeeze, etc. -- the physical side of physically making an uncooperative body move your way. But of course verbal tone and a man-in-charge attitude are factors, too.

Ideas? Particularly from our cop friends? :dunno:

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