jeudi 13 avril 2017

Moose Mt. Pond, HPWF, 13 Apr, 2017

Today, Tredhed and I re-visited one of our happy places; Moose Mt. Pond in the Hammond Pond Wild Forest. We were last here on a glorious fall day back in 2012 and our return was long overdue.

An early start got us to the Mt. Severance Store to pick up some homemade sandwiches and other lunch supplies.

A few minutes later, we were back on I-87 headed north past the site of the new Frontier Town of Opportunity. A few minutes later, we arrived at the Ensign Pond Rd. trailehead.

Based on what we saw at the trailhead, we decided to go with microspikes today. That was probably the best choice as the trail conditions varied from ice and 2' deep packed snow... bare ground and mud with some slippery ice thrown in at random spots.

After about 45 minutes of slipping and sliding on the snow packed trail, we arrived at Berrymill Flow and enjoyed the view of Owl Pate in the distance.

A good bridge brought us over the raging outlet stream.

After another 45 minutes of walking on the trail through packed snow, bare ground and mud, we arrived at the outlet of Moose Mt. Pond. Sorry fishermen, it'll be a little while before the ice is off this pond. It's close though! :)

We continued past the outlet campsite to the lean-to. The lean-to was in good shape, although we did pick up some plastic bags and several gallon water jugs. :mad:

We dropped our packs and had our lunch at the rocky ledge just up the lake from the lean-to. The views of Moose Mt., Bald Pate and Owl Pate were very nice.

We explored a little more, packed up the trash and headed back down the trail. The walk back was similar to the walk in. Great in spots, nasty in others. Such is springtime in the Adirondacks. Thanks to Tredhed for the use of some of his pictures and driving today. Another great day in the Hammond Pond Wild Forest. :dance:

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