jeudi 20 avril 2017

Race is not a social construct

My view is that race is not a social construct, but a instance of different complexities(i.e humans). As oppose to my view is that race is a social construct; made up by humans to communicate a phenomenon. My view is that race is weighted toward the phenomena, not input of persons.

Below is an explanation of the phenomena.

Why do you compete for high standing around knowledgeable people? Why do you categorise people around you?

When was the white man a victim of racism, if not the presence of the other man at present?

Would racism be a thing if nobody got hurt?

I answer these questions:

a) I do to be powerful, or for my viewers to be powerful.

b) I categorise people for many of reasons, but in the case of race, to be wise of the concept.

c) I think racism would be accepted. I think there is a severe case of hurt for racism to be such a problem.

In the purest sense, races should be understood as races, and race is not a social construct; as a social construct understanding each other can be difficult, but political or social ties may be eased.

Race is a not a social construct, by the fact races are on separate sides of a spectrum, even if that spectrum is considered Earth.

This is my view, can you change it?

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