samedi 15 avril 2017

Santa, Couchie, Panther

We 3 (Deb,Krista, Glenn) managed to pull it off. All 3 peaks on friday, april 14 in 14 hours. Crossed the Santa brook with no prob heading up the Express but with no fresh tracks it was basically a bushwhack all the way to the summit of Santa. An old snowshoe track was sometimes visible but mostly melted out.Took 4.5 hours to work out way up and we somehow missed all rock faces and ledges. The Santa sign at the summit is gone. Beautiful stellar blue-bird day of sunshine. Next we headed for Times Square and again missed the herd path but managed to land into Times square. Took a bearing for Couchie and off we went. Trail for the most part was discernible. Panther a beautiful breeze over and back. Again took some head scratching to find the descent down Bradley Pond but once located had to be the finest descent down it i've ever done. Fantastic snow conditions on top of the roaring brook made it a scamper. It is still full on winter conditions on top. We estimated over 5 feet of snow still. Snowshoes and spikes a must. And great energy. Be warned, do not follow our bushwhack Times Square to Santa. Really bad. River crossings are getting big. Concentration and confidence will help you across.

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