vendredi 21 avril 2017

The likelihood of head contact in a no-headcontact sparring

I have a question for many more experienced "fighters" here. Generally in my normal traditional karate class, we do not spar very often, especially lately.
Tommorrow, though, there will be a 5-hour seminar and sensei told us to bring all of our protectors (not that we have many). I asked about the program and he said there will probably be a (free) sparring session included.

Three months ago, I got an accidental elbow to my front teeth. Part of one tooth broke off, the other two still hurt, one to the point that I still avoid biting tougher food. I explained my worry and reluctance to spar to sensei and he said it will likely be a session without head contact with the exception of head kicks (kyokushin style). I am not too woried about kicks as there are not too many people who are likely to attempt that. Maybe just the senseis, but I believe if I ask them not to kick me, they will have enough control.

I am worried, however, what is the likelihood of me getting punched or hit to the face despite it being forbidden? I will wear a gumshield, but I've only worn it a couple of times and I am quite unsure if the protection would be enough (I'm worried it won't).
And as we don't spar too often and it will be a free sparring without a referee and there being people bigger, stronger, faster and whatnot than me, I have no confidence to be able to escape all hits. And in case there's an "accidental" head strike, that I am not prepared for on top of it.

I am stinking of not participating in the sparring, but on the other hand, it may be towards the end when everyone is tired and it would be a good practise for me...

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