dimanche 9 avril 2017

Ways to avoid swollen ears

Greetings everyone,

Six years ago, I previously took BJJ for 5 months and greatly enjoyed it. The only reason I stopped doing BJJ was because, as I understand often happens in BJJ, my ear swelled up with blood and had to be drained, on two separate occasions within that 5 month time frame. Regrettably, the medical professional working with me at the time advised me to discontinue doing BJJ because of her concern that if my ear swelled up with blood a possible third time, and she subsequently had to drain it, it could possibly become infected.

It now being 6 years later, I would like to give BJJ a try once more, hopefully, without the recurrence of swollen ears.

6 years ago at the time, in an effort to salvage my ability to continue doing BJJ, willing to try anything, I think I maybe dabbled with using a headgear piece a couple of times to see if that would possibly take some pressure off of my ears. If I recall correctly, that did not at all work. In fact, if I am recalling correctly, the headpiece maybe (I am not completely sure since it was 6 years ago.) in fact actually contributed to accentuate the pressure into my ears unfortunately even more so. (?)

The above being said, has there been possibly some advancement in headgear technology design within the last 6 years that may now actually help me?

Or, are there possibly other better ideas for me to be able to resume my interest in BJJ without any possible repercussions to my ears?

I don’t know if the application of vaseline to my ears before every workout would possibly help my ears. (?) However, I have to admit that, even if vaseline actually would help me, if I would want to have to put that greasy mess on my ears before every single BJJ workout.

Thank you very much for any possible responses.

The best to all,

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