mercredi 19 avril 2017

What are you fighting for?

I already thought of this before Sifu Ben came up with the sport vs self defence thread but the two are sort of related.

What does the art you train in set you up to do?

Some arts are weapon heavy and assume that you either have or can access a weapon.

Some styles were developed with a perspective on how empty hand techniques might be applied on a battlefield.

Some styles are suited mainly for personal protection/self defense and are not built around the idea of dealing with multiple opponents.

Some styles are built not to protect but to allow one to bypass opponents.

We tend to look at some sort of test situation and say this art will or wont work. But considering the original purpose of an art might make it more understandable why the art developed the way that it did.

What was your art designed for (or what might it be good for) and how well do you think it achieves it's aims?


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