dimanche 8 octobre 2017

Big Bay Fabulous Fall Paddle

Hello All,

Yesterday, my dog and I enjoyed a lovely paddle on Big Bay, in Piseco. We were the only paddlers and I was able to really appreciate the solitude. I have been there a few times in the Spring, but never in the fall. The sky was overcast and there were a few sprinkles now and then, but not bad. When it wasn't raining, the water was dead calm. With the overcast sky, the colors were truly spectacular and I was able to see into the water. I never realized Big Bay was so shallow. The water was low and I wasn't able to paddle up into Piseco Lake as I have in previous outings. I saw a belted kingfisher and some kind of hawk that I didn't recognize. It was too far away for me to get a good look. Smaller than and eagle or an osprey or even a red tail, but much bigger than a kestrel. Mostly brown.
Altogether a fabulous day of serenity and peace with my best little friend.
I recently purchase a new kayak cart (Malone Clipper) and I'm looking forward to exploring new waterways.:-)
Here is a link to my FB photo album.



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