samedi 21 octobre 2017

Mountains I've driven past too many times (Rooster Comb, Snow) 10/21/2017

A couple weeks ago I realized I was in terrible hiking shape so I set out to get back in shape while the weather was still on my side. Winter is my favorite hiking season and last year I started it out in poor shape and paid for it. I felt like I was under the gun given how close we are to ice season (worst season ever!). So to start off easy I hiked a fast and flat 15 miles last weekend exploring the Boreas Tract. This weekend I set my sights on some elevation.

Today I made the mind numbing morning drive and arrived at an over full (yes people were making spots from what I could tell :rolleyes:) Garden parking lot with cars blocking the entrance and people standing around clueless :confused:. Having Plan A implode, I quickly retreated, reversing my way down the one lane road. Not more than five minutes earlier I had passed the parking lot for Rooster Comb and regretted that I still hadn't been there. After a quick map study, I settled on a loop including Rooster Comb, Hedgehog and Snow mountains.

Ten minutes after hitting the trail my cold hands warmed and I was enjoying a refreshing 45 degree fall morning in the open woods. The fallen leaves made for some difficult trail finding at times. I was enjoying what's left of the fall foliage when I realized that it had only been an hour and I had already summited Rooster Comb. I took a break enjoying the views and contemplated whether to tack on Lower Wolfjaw - after all it was right there and I needed the workout.

Hedgehog was in my way so I hiked over it and made my way to the junction with the White trail where I stopped to refuel and consider how committed I was to LWJ. Less than an hour later I was was atop LWJ having convinced myself that I needed the time on my feet and that pain was temporary :evil:. On the way up there was a short section of the trail that was much much steeper than I had remembered. Having the summit to myself, I took a long lunch and rested up. On my way down I passed 3 trail runners on their way up and took a couple minutes to talk with a gentleman whom had also been shut out of the Garden.

By the time I got to the bottom of the White trail, I had accepted that the remainder of the hike was going to hurt. I couldn't say no to Snow (I mean it was right there!) so I somewhat reluctantly climbed it having to stop a couple times to catch my breath and question my sanity.

Up top of Snow Mountain I took a break to correct my morale with a much needed apple and some Gatorade. The rest of the hike out was a little slow but enjoyable.

After making a quick detour to the Pub in Placid :boozing:, I made my way home. Having not planned this hike it detail, I just tallied up the elevation gain to 4500ft+. I guess that explains the pain. But maybe I'm not in as bad of shape as I thought. :D

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