mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Day trip portaging canoe to Fish Pond route?

I'd like to set up a base camp in the St Regis Canoe area and portage and paddle to Fish Pond as a day trip. I'm looking for ideas to help me choose from:
  • camp in Long Pond and take the Bessie carry
  • camp in Hoel and go via Clamshell
  • Camp in Saint Regis Pond, from where there are three different routes: via Ochre and Mud, Ochre only, and the Fish Pond Truck Trail.
Come to think of it the first two options can be combined. Camp in one of Long or Hoel and use different routes to go out and back to Fish.
Can anyone comment on these three routes? I'll be carrying a tandem canoe that weighs about 50lb and has a fairly decent yoke, so hopefully not too onerous....
I have already camped on all of these ponds and done the seven carries, but never had the urge to portage my camping gear out to Fish.

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