samedi 28 octobre 2017

Green and Hopkins 10/28/2017

The idea was put in my head last week that I needed to check out Hopkins Mt for its view. While I was in the neighborhood I decided I should grab Green. I've been flirting with pursuing the hundred highest but it has grown into a love-hate relationship with bushwhacking depending on how tough the last mountain was. Let's just say the pendulum has swung back to hate after today.

The alarm clock came to life way too early. Fifteen minutes later I was out the door coffee in hand. A couple hours later I was at the Noonmark grabbing a breakfast sandwich to go. I pulled into the Rooster Comb parking lot a little after 7 and ate my breakfast sandwich. I was pleasantly surprised that the weather in Keene Valley was 10 degrees warmer than in Albany. I rolled my eyes when I saw that someone had a tent set up in the parking lot :rolleyes:. I wasn't sure if it was the tent or the fact that they were still asleep that bothered me. A few minutes later I was in the woods headed up the Ranney trail.

The air wasn't quite as cold as I like it but it smelled of fall and the thick blanket of leaves on a open forest floor made me smile. I wasted no time making the climb and two hours later I was at the Giant trail junction. One last map study and a compass bearing later and I made my entry into certain torment.

The climb up Green started off innocent enough with fairly open woods. It didn't take long before I was into the discomfort zone. My route alternated between marginally dense and painfully dense. The going was slow but I had planned for it. Strong winds greeted me at the summit so I didn't linger. For my return trip I aimed straight south for the trail. Getting caught up in a cliff band cost me a bunch of time but did afford me a great view of Giant.

Once back at the trail I took inventory of myself. Given that my legs were cramping from a combination of dehydration and being in less than stellar shape, I took a longer break and listened to the sounds of the woods. The trail from Hopkins out to the Giant junction had quite a bit of small blow down when I hiked through in the morning. So I slowed my pace on the return to rest my legs and clear the trail. The section is now clear save a few small trees in need of a saw.

Once back at the Hopkins junction I saw the first hikers of my day. I made the short climb up Hopkins and was immediately impressed! Wait wait! I mean it's a terrible mountain and there's no point in anyone ever going there ;). I paused for a bit to take in the views and a second lunch. The view of the high peaks is from a very unique angle and it took me some time to orient myself to identify the various peaks.

After a little more than an hour of daydreaming about cheeseburgers and cold beer I was back at the car. Still beats a good day at work.

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