jeudi 26 octobre 2017

Heading into West Canada Lakes Wilderness...

Getting ready to set up base camp deep in the West Canada Lakes Wilderness region in pursuit of the elusive Adirondack buck. Lord hope the weather changes soon... We were in the Indian Lake region for the rifle season opener and it was almost 80 degree's... Lot's of leaves still on the trees and on the ground. Visibility was poor... A grey squirrel sounded like a moose running through the woods considering the lack of rain and dry crunchy leaves covering the ground...

I'm in desperate need of a double cot (bunk bed type).. I'm from the Capital District, Albany area, and if anyone has one for sale, or if you can direct me somewhere, I'd really appreciate it... Not looking to spend a lot of bucks on something new.

Please Email me if you can help, and best of luck to everyone this season... All I want to hear is that "Brown is Down"...

And remember: "It's not about the Kill, it's about the Adventure"...


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