mercredi 25 octobre 2017

Wilcox Outlet Falls, WLWF, 25 Oct, 2017

I had some time this morning for a reasonably short hike to the waterfalls on the Wilcox Lake Outlet deep in the heart of the namesake Wilcox Lake Wild Forest. The last time I visited these falls was over 30 years ago with my child bride. I'm a little disappointed that I haven't been back since. They're fantastic, especially after yesterday's heavy rain.

Parking at the end of Pumpkin Hollow Rd, I immediately crossed the fast flowing Doig Creek on a good snowmobile bridge.

After crossing the bridge, I looked back and though it would make a good photo.

The multi-use trail, freshly marked with red disks, headed up over the shoulder of Pine Mt. The 275+ feet climb wasn't too bad and in some of the steeper spots, I was surprised to see old corduroy poked through the wet leaves.

The trail leveled off for a bit passing through some beautiful woods. I then descended a short, but steep, grade and wound through some skinny woods for a while.

At the appropriate point, I jumped off trail and began my bushwhack to the falls. It really wasn't that difficult, as I could hear the rush of the outlet flowing out of the vly. When I arrived at the Wilcox Outlet, the water was really impressive.

I set my course and headed downstream. A few minutes of bushwhacking through some very wet red spruce whips, brought me to the 15' falls and huge plunge pool.

As I snacked on my apple, I contemplated the beauty of the falls and vowed not to wait another 30 years before I re-visit this special place. Maybe next time I can take my wife. :rolleyes: Either way, it was good to be out today.

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