samedi 1 août 2020

Dehydrating Chili Alternate Fat Source

I cooked up a batch of turkey chili tonight. With the very low fat content in the strained and rinsed turkey, it tasted like it was missing something compared to my normal beef chili.

I opted to try out a Mexican "mole" style chili where I added some 85% cocoa dark chocolate and some sour cream. I will serve it with crushed peanuts on top.

My thinking is chocolate is shelf safe for a long time and sour cream is commonly dehydrated, so they can be used for extra fat.

I want to dehydrate it tomorrow in the oven. Will the finished product be safe to keep in a backpack? I know they say fatty meats don't keep, but my thought is the cocoa and dairy fats will be okay.

Any thoughts?

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