lundi 17 août 2020

Please Sign In, Wear a PFD!!!

I took a 3rd Canoe trip to the Adirondacks last week. I had my wife, 8 yr old son and his 10 yr old friend with me. My wife paddled my Magic and I had the two boys in my MNII. We went to Lows Lake and found a total of 44 cars on the road and in the lot. A check of the register found 18 campers not checked out. There was maybe a couple people doing the “Loop”, So obviously people are not signing in. We talked to a maintenance person and a Ranger that confirmed that about half the people do not sign in. This creates a safety issue for locating missing persons and also this is how the area receives funding by the amount of use it recieves.

We left Lows and headed for Little Tupper. The parking area was over flowing. I witnessed a “camper” pulling a loaded Kayak across the pavement to the launch.
We left Little Tupper and and a great time at an undisclosed location. Later on I also saw a group of kayaks. One younger man had a large cooler strapped to the front of his sit on top and a stack of gear strapped to the rear. He was not wearing a PFD, It was somewhere in the pile. Others in his group were similarly loaded. No PFDs. An Amish couple, him in his plaid shirt and jeans, she in her bonnet and full dress. Paddling down the middle of the lake with their Sit on Top kayaks, No PFDs. Also talked to a young man who bragged about grabbing a campsite and was leaving for the night. He was going to return the next day with his buddies.
Another family had to leave after not being able to find a site in this area.
I realize that this COVID has brought people out that normally wouldn’t be there but I can’t believe the blatant ignorance.
I am very grateful that I was able to show my son and his buddy a great time. I just hope this pristine wilderness will be there in the future.

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