mercredi 5 août 2020

Pharoah Lakes Wilderness Advice

I'm looking to head into the Pharoah Lakes Wilderness for a weekend to do a quick overnight backpack and tent-camp. I know the area gets a ton of use, and usage is up everywhere this year, but if anyone could PM me suggestions for areas that get a little bit less use, it would be much appreciated. It's one area I'm not super familiar with, and I've honestly avoided it in the past knowing how crowded it can be.

I'm not delusional enough to think I won't see other people, but I'd also prefer to avoid the party scene I've heard exists at Pharoah Lake itself this year. I'm more of a fall-asleep-to-owls/wake-up-to-loons kind of girl, not a up-all-night-in-the-woods-with-a-boombox fan.

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