lundi 10 août 2020

Hiking/Paddling around Piseco Lake

Hey All,

I'll be at Little Sand Point Campground on Piseco Lake in a couple weeks, and am looking for some information to plan day trips. After years of wanting to, I'm finally going to paddle Fall Stream, although I'm thinking that with the water so low it might be difficult to make it all the way to Vly Lake. Based on what I've read and heard, though, it seems reasonable to expect to make it at least as far as Fall Lake, even with current water levels. Would others who have paddled there agree with that assessment?

I had originally wanted to do some more river/stream paddling (East Canada Creek, West Branch Sacandaga) but with current water levels it seems like a good idea to have a backup plan. Has anyone paddled Big Bay on the SE corner of Piseco Lake? From the Nat Geo map, it looks like there might be access right off Rt.10. It also appears that the entire northern shore is private land, but there don't appear to be any roads there, so I'm wondering what to expect in the way of development.

I'm also wondering if it's possible to paddle to Evergreen Lake from the Southwestern Bay of Piseco. It looks like it's all private land until you reach Evergreen, so I guess it depends if the stream is passable all the way to the lake.

Lastly, a hiking question. On the Nat Geo map (744) it shows 2 hiking trails originating near the put-in for Fall Stream, ending at different points on the NW shore of Oxbow Lake. They are not numbered, and I can't find reference to them anywhere else. Both appear to originate from private land. Anyone know anything about them?

Thanks in advance for any knowledge shared.

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