jeudi 29 mai 2014

choy lay fut v bagua

the CLF sifu in this thread has been accused of lying by his class mates for the past 15 years, some of the rubbish he claimed and was called on are as follows:

claiming to have been adopted by his master as an orphan when it was pointed out to him he met his master in his 20s (s he hadnt ben in the country until then) and was never adopted as his parents were still alive he ignored this

2) claiming to have learned monkey kung fu in the park with a secret master, when his fellow students pointed out they say him making the set up in his school he ignored this,

3) claiming 10 blackbelts and a background in thai boxing which he could not verify

Anyway finally someone got bored with his lies (this time on a documentary in new york) and called him out and heres the fight video

why post this well? firstly im amazed that in this day and age such an obvious fake who has been called out by his seniors countless times can still be teaching and making money,and become an instructor with no fighting skills

secondly for the love of god people please keep your hands up when fighting!

seriously there is no reason not to be drilling your combinations against a gloved up opponent so both of you are learning to hit and deal with being hit. Everyone can do this kind of drilling from day 1, then add body only sparring and then controlled sparring with headshots,

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