jeudi 29 mai 2014

Constructive and destructive circles within kyusho jitsu / atemi

Out of interest, has anybody ever found that the destructive cycle in particular is of any real martial value. I know the theory, as I'm sure any kempo senior grade does, but I can't say that I've ever really found it of any martial application whatsoever. I'd go so far as to say that I suspect it's total cobblers.

Has anybody else got any take on it? Any healers who use the constructive cycle (as I can't honestly say I find that any more use in my healing practice either).


1 commentaire:

  1. I am just beginning to learn the advanced theory and application the advanced use of Kyusho and Dim Mak, but I have a Theory that the cycle of destruction is encoded in the forms (Chuan Fa) and in Kata ( Tang Hand or Okinawa Te) as to the order and which specific meridians are struck, depending on the level of damage intended by the defender. also given the circulation of Qi, an associate Steve Burton supports my theory or rather he confirmed it in a written correspondence between he and I concerning Shen San Feng these may or did vary at given points during the 24 hour period as the Ki(Chi) circulated, as you already know even better than I do!!! when you look at it its just the reverse mirror image of TCM and Acupuncture or Acupressure, in as much they will needle multiple points on various meridiands and Tsubo points to balance the Chi (Qi) to make the person healthy,.. well here in the cycle of destruction it should work the same way when done with the opposite intention to destroy the persons health, by disrupting the flow of Chi (Qi) either by obstructing/blocking it, causing a reverse flow of chi or damaging the main central meridians on the body to set in motion a disease process, that will manifest in accordance with the bubishi and most texts anywhere from hours to days to weeks all the way up to a given number of years before the attacker shows or feels the symptoms.... while this may seem a bit off topic, I did read an article about Karateka who had studied in 6+-9njt5t he may have been at some time in life an unwilling victim..... if this is the case and if the basic underlying theory of Dian Xue/Dim Mak holds true and the human body is at its most fundamental level energy as the eastern metaphysical theory states, then the usage of a cycle of destruction most likely holds true.....
    Michael P Harrison ..RCP-R.N..
    (Shodan Shorin Ryu & Shotokan Karate)
    (Chodan-Bo Taekwondo)
    (San Dan Bujin Ryu Kyusho Jitsu Kai )

    contact me here
