samedi 31 mai 2014

theoretically, can you crosstrain in 3 or more arts and do well?

This is something i thought about today. After some researching over these last few months, I found there are actually enough styles nearby for me to have one class every night of the week (sometimes more than that). I'm straight out of uni with a part time job and not much going on as far as social possibilities are here (retirement area is where Im based home wise) so Ive looked about and thought of

While I'm not interested in every style, it got me thinking about the practicality of cross training. Some people can succeed in crosstraining, but how much till its really overdoing it? I know training should be done outside of the class to make sure you are sharp in your style(s) so would someone with a lot of time on there hands have the potential to be efficient in multiple styles if they put the time in? My mains bujinkan and I am determined to stick with that fyi.

Has anyone here trained in 3 styles (or more) and found any success in them, or does the risk of confusion and being jack of all trades master of none set in when you push that far?

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