lundi 26 mai 2014

Dana White is pathetic

Perhaps you all have seen him mention Floyd Mayweather time and again... and again. His latest was that Floyd would lose to Rousey in an MMA fight. What I don't understand is that people (like I used to) argue about boxers vs. MMA fighters. Even though some MMA fighters are boxers, they are typically several others hence the MIXED martial arts part. It really is apples and oranges to me.

Why I feel White is pathetic is that because of the success of boxing PPV numbers vs. UFC's, he feels he must get publicity by mentioning the name of someone else. Of course White left a bad taste in my mouth after he reacted the way he did to St. Pierre saying that he might not fight anymore (or whatever he said exactly), but he brings up Floyd A LOT. Ok, we get it... a boxer on the ground is helpless vs. a BJJ or Wrestling practitioner... but reverse the situation and you have an MMA fighter who has little to no chance in a boxing ring with only those rules. We all know this, or should know it.

I appreciate the skill of MMA fighters, I really do. It's not especially my thing, but I do watch it and will try to pick things up if I can just like when I watch boxing.

Just to make it clear, I'm not trying to bash MMA fighters or even the UFC itself... but it gets quite old to use a name because of ones popularity. Change the record Dana.

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