mardi 27 mai 2014

Cobra Kai - fact or fiction?

Sensei Jack Harrah, master of KR MMA and founder of Cobra Kai.... wait, Cobra Kai? isnt that a fictional black-gi clan on the movie Karate Kid? and isnt it the snake style on Kung Fu Panda? not according to my friend and training partner, who is one of Sensei Harrahs students. Being a bit of a skeptic, I asked my friend and was invited to the real Cobra Kai dojo, where the training was anything but easy - Cobra Kai has no kata, its all about drills and sparring. Cobra Kai borrows from shotokan karate, american kickboxing, filipino martial arts and many more.... at the CK dojo marked by a yellow cobra logo, there is a hanging list of styles and programs: bok-fu, bojuka, bacom, manegra, sayoc kali and wen-do.... most of these styles i never even heard of, but after a day of training with Sensei Jack Harrah, i realised that there was much his KR MMA classes had to offer.... i never went back to that dojo, as my own HMA program is very different, but i still do exchange sparring and cross-training with my friend

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