samedi 26 juillet 2014

Judo injuries.

Im hoping this thread can be a humorus look at your judo injuries and how you got them.

Well I have 2 even though im new. I sprained my 4th toe when I screwed up the foot work on a throw and uke landed on it.

Now I just picked up a new one. We were doing summersualts as part of warm ups.(I consider them useless as I feel that kaiten rolling is superior) I have not done them before and landed with a thud. I hit the mat with the part of my back between the shoulder blades. It hurt for a bit then went away. Then this morning at the store, I went to pick up my son and put him in the cart. When suddenly I can feel lots of pain in that part of my back. It felt like my muscles pulled apart. So I have a pulled muscle in the most annoying place.

I hate summer sualts. Any suggestions on how to improve them?

SO what is your injury story. I hope its more humorus then mine.

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