jeudi 31 juillet 2014

What can i expect?

Well as some may know, I am a new student(2 months training) of judo and karate.

Well I apparently joined at the worst time as my dojo just fell apart and is over. Well the judo leader ship is discussing were to go for a training space and will contact us soon so we can continue training.

However, karate is done for.

After I left the Bujinkan, I researched most of the available martial arts in my are and the 3 Korean styles have the best teachers.(imho)

I have my first KKW TKD(mudokwan) with Master Cunningham Monday. I could have gone to Hapkido or Tang So Do under a C.S. Kim affiliate but I wanted to try the same martial art my father did as a young man. Which saved his life many times on the streets.

So, What do you guys think I can expect? I would imagine the basics would be similar to the karate basics I practice now? I was watching the forms and they seem simple compared to karate forms. I wonder what the point of them is?

He teaches both traditional and sportive TKD. If I remember correctly he also has a black belt in judo and some training in a hard style of kung fu whose name I cant remember.

What kind of feeling will tkd have? Does traditional tkd, do the same kind of bone conditioning that karate does?

Im short, will I be screwed in sparring?

Do TKD people actually know how to punch and defend with there hands?

I intend to ask these questions on Monday, but I figured id ask you guys here.

If you have any advice id love to hear it. Thanks guys.

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