dimanche 31 août 2014

Hi everybody!

Hi there all, been lurking on MAP for a while but thought I'd bite the bullet so to speak and join. Hopefully I can learn a few things from some of the folks on here an maybe in time hp some others or more likely look like an idiot and possibly amuse others in the process.

I'm 24, an engineer in the RAF (sounds more exciting than it is I assure you). Martial arts wise I started with judo for approx 4 years as a child then 10 years out of training I started jjj (tjf) left for various reasons and 2 years later I have recently started boxing through work. I'm moving in a few months to Staffordshire for work and will be looking to start judo again when I'm up there If I can persuade my wife to let out often enough : )

Hope fully that gives you all a clue about me.

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