mercredi 27 août 2014

Which style is...


I have a history of martial arts, Taekwondo, karate, kickboxing. However I haven't done it for a while, a bit out of shape due to job etc and also my feet and right toe have been broken lots of times, my left toe has no nail on it anymore and I have had a DVT in my left leg.

Therefore whilst I used to do a lot of kicking, and have a 6ft kickbag in my garden I am thinking of doing some other kind of martial art. The question is what.

My mate at work likes BJJ but sports Jujitsu not real sparring and I always enjoyed a good whack in the head (padded of course) for some reason as it made me aware I was not blocking etc.

Whilst BJJ is interesting and I would like to do it AS well as something else I do like (and don't know) what style of fighting the fast hand movements you see in old Steven Segal films or Bourne, James Bond etc are. These are usually in confined spaces or Steven just doing a few fast hand movements and chops and palm strikes etc.

I was told Krav Maga but from what I can the only classes are self defence not real sparring. Is this right, is this the style of fighting they are using?

I am just being put off from more kick action, even though I have leg stretchers, all the pads, bags and so on is just worry about damaging my legs and that I cannot bend my toes back any more due to them being busted so I cannot break wood like I used to.

Does anyone have any ideas on what I can do?

I am slowly getting back into my fitness with cycling before I move into anything heavier etc as I don't want to be out of breath after 2 minutes of sparring LOL!!

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